Well, I haven't even touched Black Ops yet because I also bought Minecraft this morning and haven't stopped playing since.

I have spent the day with Gubbkuk + Nectar and Fuel making a sky fortress (incidentally, full of swastikas. I think there may be something exceedingly wrong with us and our senses of humour.. >_>)

All you black ops guys should just play minecraft with us instead.
THIS! I could seriously puke! I preordered the UK version at Amazon UK and they cancelled my order. Additional to that, even the Austrian version is not 100% uncut...(but not as cutted as the German version). FUCK CENCORSHIP! I can´t believe it, an adult is patronized here. This is not acceptable!


you could get the US version from
gamesonly.at but...80€ FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
Even though I like the Infinity Ward games much more than the Treyarch games, I might still pick this up soon. I'm way more interested in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood than Black Ops though, to be honest.
Josh: I'm with you on IW vs. Treyarch but I don't have much to complain about at all with BO. The multiplayer is like MW2 imo, except now you aren't being constantly killed by aircraft, it's more fun to me. The majority of the maps seem to be bigger and they have way more places to go, more rooms and stairwells, etc. it's really neat.
Hahah no joke. I was a nerd on Monday night and went to pick up my pre-ordered copy... there were tons of people in line, it went real quick though once 12:01 hit. The majority of the people that were ahead of me came out of the store screaming and running to their cars, peeling out and shit. One dude though, he came out without a game and was screaming "this is bullshit! I waited in line for hours! I'm getting my fucking game tonight you motherfuckers!!", he had forgotten his I.D. :lol: Only the people that pre-ordered but didn't pay in full had to have their I.D., everyone that paid in full just needed their receipt. Lots of people still in line were just laughing at him, good times. I got there at 11:45, but a lot of people were actually waiting in line since 9pm, the only advantage was that once they opened the door they got their game like 4 minutes sooner than I did, only I was only waiting for ~20 mins once I got in line :zombie:
Campaign is really nice so far. Treyarch know how to script campaigns and this was proven with World at War in my opinion.

Multiplayer is interesting too apart from the lag issues.

Wager matches are good fun, and creating an emblem and all this BS keeps me at it for hours :D.

Maps are good from what I've seen till now.

Can't complain, loving the game :D
A few things:

The balance is tons better. No more danger close. No more reloading grenade launchers and RPG's with Scavenger or changing mid game with One Man Army for an endless barrage of faggotry.

The maps are better thought out. Unlike Afghan which was one sided as all hell and the spawn and capture points seemed to never have been play tested... you can freely maneuver from one side to the other, yet still play viable defense as well. Anybody who played Demo on Afghan knows you couldnt get to that bomb site in the back by the cliffs once it was being defended.


MW2 had better graphics... better sounds... and way better SMGs. They nerfed the fuck out of the SMGs in BO... I mainly used SMGs in the previous games, but now Im practically forced to use Assault Rifles... but that's ok, because:

they fixed the sniping a lot. The variable scope is just ruthless... that with decoy nades? Game over. Im on PS3. I've got some nice game reels already of some 30-0 and 30-1 and 30-2 FFA games if you guys wanna check em out.
Jumped into the SP this morning and just played a round online.

I tip my hat to Treyarch, the campaign is pretty gripping, the feel if the gameplay is just right (especially the ironsights, glorious.) So far the MP seems, again, a bit too full of too many disparate elements for my taste. Still not enough of a display of pure SKILL, but far far FAR more balanced, or it at least seems that way from the short time I've spent with it.
They even cencorsed the song "sympathy for the devil". The song will not be hearable in the German version. This is no joke!

-Headshots will be not shown that drastic
-It´s impossible to shoot off limbs & stuff
-no swastica symbols (Zombie mode)

Actually I don´t need a game what is that brutal, but I am concerned with the principle of freedom. I can´t believe, what is happening here.

its amazing sometimes when you stop and think about the little differences in cultures and countries ...

you guys have all this kind of shit censored from your video games and whatnot

meanwhile across the pond ...

if there is even a chance at seeing a woman's nipple on regular tv they blur it out or just cut the scene. But in the same show you can see someones head getting cut off

go figure
its amazing sometimes when you stop and think about the little differences in cultures and countries ...

you guys have all this kind of shit censored from your video games and whatnot

meanwhile across the pond ...

if there is even a chance at seeing a woman's nipple on regular tv they blur it out or just cut the scene. But in the same show you can see someones head getting cut off

go figure

+1. Censorship here in america is really messed up and unbalanced, imo.
if there is even a chance at seeing a woman's nipple on regular tv they blur it out or just cut the scene. But in the same show you can see someones head getting cut off

Haha this is so crazy!! I can´t believe it. Fuck the world.

Would the US version work on your system, Felix?

Yes Mathew, it´d work! :) Also played the US version of Demon´s souls.
From what I've heard so far, everyone seems to have pretty mixed feelings about Black Ops.

Supposedly, these are the cons: it's really laggy, has really bad hit detection, graphics & sound don't live up to MW2 even after all the hype and development time, really poor singleplayer AI, overall a very Treyarch feel (similar to WAW) to the game, a lot of people aren't liking the points upgrading system compared to the old way of leveling on MW2, etc.

And the pros: New modes like Gun Game and One in the Chamber are supposed to be cool and fun, single player story is supposed to be pretty sweet, some cool new killstreaks, great customization options, etc.

From what I gather, it's basically the best game Treyarch has ever made, but not exactly living up to the hype or the quality of the Infinity Ward games...