Well, not me. I was in the passenger seat. My girl was driving. We we making a left hand turn a block down from my house and this my pals fuck FROM BEHIND US is going like 70 mph and decides to pass us on the LEFT!!!!! He smacks the front driver side panel and proceeds to go about 50 into a telephone poll and 360's out, CAR TOTALED. At first, I had no fucking clue what the hell happened and saw that my girl was alright, she was wearing a seatbelt. I wasn;t but still was fine and saw this limp fuck in his car ahead of us. I walk up to his car and asked him WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!? He just looks up at me with blood runnin g out his mouth "naa". Fucking piece of shit. He got taken away by an ambulance. I hope he broke his fucking back and is caught in a wheel chair for the rest of his life. Fuck. Now we gotta go through all types of BS. MOTHERFUCK better have insurance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1