
New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
However since im a clueless bedroom warrior could somebody please help me so i dont fuck up.

i have a profire 2626 and obviously want to use to to re-amp, do i need a xlr lead from my profire to the rmp? im pretty sure thats a no brainer and if so which ends do i need on them?

then the rmp output is that just jack to jack?

thanks guys

hope you all have a good new year :)
I've actually been experimenting with the ProRMP too and it sucks that there's not a 1/4" on it. I've been running my output into a Presonus TubePre and then back out as XLR into the ProRMP. Seems to be working cool and i can even drive the 12ax7 in the tubepre like another gain stage/overdrive!

Guitar DI> PreSonus Firestudio Project > Presonus TubePre > Radial ProRMP > Nobels OD-1 > AMP > Mic > BONERTONES
I've actually been experimenting with the ProRMP too and it sucks that there's not a 1/4" on it. I've been running my output into a Presonus TubePre and then back out as XLR into the ProRMP. Seems to be working cool and i can even drive the 12ax7 in the tubepre like another gain stage/overdrive!

Guitar DI> PreSonus Firestudio Project > Presonus TubePre > Radial ProRMP > Nobels OD-1 > AMP > Mic > BONERTONES

that actually sounds fucking bad ass
from my interface what sort of cable does it need to be?


how is the level on your reamp out, i have a profire 2626 and a little labs redeye, and my problem is that the level on the reamp out isn't as high as plugging a guitar straight into the amp.

or should i normalise the d.i. track first, or just move up the volume slider a bit...
Not exactly, because screamer don`t have sufficient input level, raising gain or level can`t compensate for it.
I tried my mod with screamer alone and found that modded version of ProRMP works better, more close to guitar straight to screamer (at least that I`m using).
My card have sufficien level for reamping (+20 dbu).