Radial Pro RMP Question


Ocean Planet is on burn
Jul 10, 2007
Oklahoma, US
Is it normal that it takes more gain on my 6505 when reamping to get a good tone? I usually run the gain at 4 when plugged directly into my amp but when I reamp i have to have it at around 7 and it still doesnt sound completely normal.Its like im not getting as much level out of the rmp than with my guitar. I have the trim on the RMP all the way up and the output on Pro Tools at 0 db. I am using a Radial Pro RMP. The DI was recorded with my M-Audio Profire 2626 Instrument level input with an EMG 81. Ive read a lot of reamp threads and have not found a thread that solves this issue. Im kind of new to reamping so any help is much appreciated!
I use a ProRMP with my EMG81 equipped EC-1000 all the time and if anything I've had to turn the trim level (on the RMP) down a tad or turn the gain on the amp down. Make sure that your DI's are recorded correctly, peaking at -3dB.

A screenshot of the wav file would also help us help you. :)


That is the level of the di. It seems strong enough. When i run it out of the output of my profire into the rmp and into the 6505 it is still not at all like plugging a guitar into the 6505.
i like it quite a bit actually. i had a firepod before so maybe i dont have much to compare it to but i like it a lot. To me the pres sound a little more accurate than the firepod. and compared to the 002 racks at my school i like it a lot more. the software mixer is also great.
oh yeah. It's built about as well as my firepod was. The only gripe i have with it are the knobs. They are kind of touchy. When recording with my SM7 I will have the knob in a position that runs about halfway up the db meter on pro tools and I will just slighty bump the knob and then the signal is clipping and way too hot. Other than that it is a very solid mic pre for the money imo.