just got the album in the mail!


May 31, 2005
I dig your first studio tribute. Some of the songs are really great, some a little rough, and of all of them, I love your renditions of Wasted Years the best! The Trooper was also awesome and Phantom of the Opera sounded so cool with Aja's voice. Killers was kinda rough, but for you first recording as the Maidens, I give it an 8 out 10.
I'd love to hear a live album from you ladies. The band is remarkable live and Aja's voice acquires a certain touch of horseness that sounds great with the music, and it was missing on the studio album. The vocals seemed to polished, trying too hard for perfection...when all she has to do it let it rip live and it's comes out great! Being a live band, that does a lot of shows for their bread and butter, I think a live album would be more fitting for the Fab Five.

Anyway, I bought 5 copies of the album just in I lose a few over the years to attrition. I'm letting my friends hear it and spreading the word here on the east coast, and the Midwest when I go on leave next week. UP The Irons and Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wave:
The album's awesome - I listen to it alot myself. My favourite covers are Aces High, COTD, The Trooper and RTTH. Aces High is one of my faves, when I listen to it I can just see the girls rocking out when everything kicks in. Wanda charging to the front of the stage, foot on the monitor giving it yeeha on the bass next to Aja giving it her all, Liz and Sara letting their hair fly whilst headbanging and Linda battering the hell out of those drums! Magic!!
kellver said:
...........Anyway, I bought 5 copies of the album just in I lose a few over the years to attrition. I'm letting my friends hear it and spreading the word here on the east coast, and the Midwest when I go on leave next week. UP The Irons and Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wave:

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: (one for each copy!)
Wow, thanks for supporting your friendly Maiden tribute! Happy Holidays to you too and spread the word indeed!!! :headbang: