Just how is Mikael pronounced?

Meek-Ale basically with a little ah between the two soundings, with the swedish accent of course.
Yes, I think you are right about the Akerfeldt.
I am not completely sure, but this is all i know from movies and what not I have seen.
Someone Scandinavian with a mic, record a sample! I would, but I don't have a mic here at work. :p

Just call him "Mike", that should do the trick. :)
ok.. i´ll give it a try (i know how it is pronounced after all )

me (as in who? me? =)
ka (pretty much alike the first letters of "->ca<-ll me bruce", when pronounced in american)
el (as in spanish wotdthingie which i dont know what it means... el hombre)


then just swedify everything you say :D

as with the Åkerfeldt... that one is tougher... but i believe you get it pretty right when you say Oakerfelt.

when i come home i can post a soundclip... if noone else beats me to it (hint)... =)
sorry, guys, I know this thread is a bit old...but I was doing a search, looking for the thread "discussion about Still Day... and Patterns..." or whatever (found it), and I saw this one, and I was like, "well, finally I'll know for SURE"..hehe, but, there still seems to be confusion about this matter.....grrrr!!

how hard can it be....yet I still don't know...someone, please, how do you say his freaking name?!

looks like everyone agreed on "oaker-felt" though..that's good..

hehe...how about Lindgren...
yes! I do not know how I forgot to mention that....and even though it was from his mouth (I know this sounds stupid), I still am not sure, because someone of Hobo's reply...I shouldn't doubt anything straight from his (Mikael's) mouth, but I don't know, that was a silly outburst.

But I'm sure you're right....I guess I'll just not worry about it anymore.
Originally posted by Poison Godmachine
AT the end of the harvest video he says:
"do you know who I am? I'm fucking "Michael" pronounced just like that.

He was prolly in English mode..

I'm Norwegian but when I get home I could make an mp3 where I pronounce how I suppose his name is...

unless someone beats me to it...
Well, where's those MP3's y'all promised us???

I actually thought it's pronounced Mika-el, as in Mika Hakkinen and then "el", so the a and e pronounced separately.

I thought Akerfeldt should be pronounced something like Awe-kerfeldt (as in "I stood in awe"). Oakerfeldt not as in Oak right? That would simply be the same as Okerfeldt, but that's not it, is it?

Oh well... nobody foreign ever knows how to pronounce my real name either... (it's Martijn (and that J is NO typo!), have a go if you will!)