Just returned from San Francisco show(The Pound)


El Jefe
Dec 1, 2001
Visit site
What a kick-ass show this was!

I didn't have to much trouble finding the venue either. I thought I was going to have a difficult time finding the damn place due to some peoples comments in regards to the location, but sure enough I found it and I didn't think the area was too bad like some people here were saying I actually thought it was quite decent. The venue's isolated in an industrial area so theres isn't really any people form the street wondering around, unless you go a few miles up the road where it merges in with the city.

Anyway enough of that. I arrived at The Pound around six o'clock or so. I parked my car along side the street and then went towards the venue/club whatever you want to call it and just waiting in line to what seemed to be an enternity just standing there waiting for them to open the doors. At seven they finally started taking people in and thankfully the line started moving, which made me very happy because I didn'y have to stand out in the cold any longer, anyway ten minutes after they opened the doors I got in, and on first impression I thought the pound wasn't half bad it was actually pretty decent inside and it had a very nice atmosphere which really set me in the mood to drink a couple beers, and thats exactly what I did, and there were nice and refreshing so I drank a few more;)

With that said I will now give my opinion on the following bands that performed last night:

Tapping The Vain: All I have to say about this band is that they were intersting and different in a sense . I thought they were alright, not my cup of tea but alright nonetheless.

Paradise Lost: I honestly thought these guys were good, again not really my thing but they were good at what they were doing and the music seemed to fit the singers character quite well. Overall there performance was enjoyable.

Opeth: Damn Opeth kicked fucking ass! seriously! they were fucking amazing and thats my honest opinion on there performance. By the time they were on the place was fucking packed with no room to move around. I was in the front when they started but it was to tight and there was to much pressure so I had to move somewhere else. Anyway amazing thats all I have to say!

Speaking of which who's going to go to the Santa Ana show?

I want to go but I have to fucking work that day. There's still a slight chance I'll go though. Hopefully I'll be able to leave early and make it to Santa Ana on time for Opeth. Its a long drive but I know it will be worth it.:)
Man last night kicked so much ass.
Well, I purposely got there late to try to avoid seeing tapping the vein, but I made it there at their last song. Not my style nor something i'd be interested in. PL was ok I guess, not really what I wanted to hear either. You can really see the influences from the sisters of mercy in their music though. I hope that their singer isn't too pissed off the PA went out though.

Opeth- what can I say ...pure excellence. I think the show was even more fun than when I saw them at the pound on the nevermore tour. As everyone else said man it was fucking hot in there, and they filled that place with soooooo many people. I'd would have been nice to see more of their actual playing though, but oh well.

BTW...are you the one who screamed "Santa Cruz!!!" I was laughing when I heard that.

All in all a kick ass show and more than worth it!!
Originally posted by /Z/

BTW...are you the one who screamed "Santa Cruz!!!" I was laughing when I heard that.

Yeah, that was me actually;) I figured by saying that somebody here would be able to recall it allowing me to use it as a reference. I knew somebody here was going to hear me and that was my intention plus I was pretty buzzed too.:D

So for those of you that also heard somebody yell out"Santa Cruz" now you know who I am:)
This is for the people who just saw Opeth last night.

What do the shirts look like for Opeth? Are they still offereing long sleeves and if so, do you remember if they had any printing on the sleeves?

They aren't playing my area so I won't be able to pick one up but I did see some for sale on the NET. The problem is that these did not have anything on the sleeves.

Any help would be appreciated

I got the sweatshirt at the show last night which is black with the Opeth logo on front and the deliverance album cover on the back. There were two long sleeve shirts both with the Opeth logo on front and one had deliverance album cover on back and the other had some blurry brown shit and the 4 absent friends tour dates on the back. I dont believe there were anything on the sleeves.

I didnt hear anyone yell Santa Cruz unfortunately...i wish I had I would came and said wsup to you guys. When did you say it? Did anyone stay outside the club until mikael came out?
Well funny story, the merchandise guy remembered me from the Dark Tranquillity / In Flames show at slim's in ..um october I guess and I asked him about this issue with the shirts exactly. He was mad i mean literally mad because the long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts have no writing on the sleeves. Apparently they didn't have an image to put ont he sleeves so they didn't...how lame is that. Anyway the above post described the shirts pretty well, but i wanted to confirm your question about sleeve design.
Thanks for the shirt info...that does sound lame about not having an image to put on the sleeves. Put something on them damn....what's the point of a long sleeve?

I remember seeing Nevermore on the Dead Heart tour w/Opeth and Nevermore's merch was kind of messed up too, the hoodies came in screwed up. Apparently the printer forgot to put the bands logo on the sleeves as well as the back. So all you have is this image of the River Dragon on the front with no mention of the band anywhere on it.

Why even sell the damn things? I asked thguy if he would sell them any cheaper because of it and he said no!

Oh well, that's too bad.

Thanks again for the info!!