Just saw Meshuggah... fuuuu


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
What a gig. I thought I had lost all passion for live music until tonight. Absolutely blown away by the musicianship, the sound, everything.

Procession of the night went something like this:

-Walk into venue. It Dies Today playing. Immense gayness for 15 minutes.
-Wait around for half an hour trying to wash the gay off.
-Meshuggah come on and kick into 'Electric Red'
-'Sheesh, this doesn't sound half bad' *remove ear plugs*
-:| Djent convulsion moshing for the next hour
-Extreme happy

Only concert in recent years I thought it was worth sacrificing my ears for. This band are just awesome.
Fucking cunt made a thread about the same gig 2 minutes after me :lol:
If you knew what I bloody looked like you could have said hi ya bastard.
Fucking intense shit. It's nice to know there is still real musicians in the world who can play AND write some fucking awesome tunes.

The gig really proved there were truly advantages to modeling.
The guitar tones were 10 times clearer and more defined than Whitechapel and It Dies Today.
I guess sometimes a 4x12 being mic'd up in a relatively small venue with a relatively small stage really is overkill.
Really gives me some Axe FX GAS now:erk::lol:
Ive seen them 2 times.. walked away both of them. :lol:
Guess we all have different tastes! ;)
Haven't seen them live yet:erk:

But i saw their live dvd last night.

Judging from that, their sound is tight as fuck, and musically they are the grand masters of sick rhythm playing.I'm quite struggling to play their riffs.
Especially ''Bleed'' is like palm muting holocaust.

But i can't say i'm imprest from their hole live appearance.I understand their songs are pretty badass to play, but even the singer isn't very ''active'' on stage.

They are wining the crowd, but only with their music.Not much of a show there.

Again im only judging from the dvd.I hope they prove me wrong, live.

What do you guys think, honestly, from the concert you saw?
Meshuggah had INSANE amounts of stage presence.
They simply commanded the attention of everyone there.
You don't need to constantly go nuts to have supreme stage presence.
Also, trying to mosh to the polyrhythms was an amazing exercise. Most of the time I just bounced off the 4/4 hats which held virtually no relation to the kick/snare beat most around were attempting (and I seriously mean attempting) to mosh to.
Yeah I was going off the 4/4 hats too.
Occasionally I kinda lost it, but I was doing better than some of the females that seem to just randomly move with absolutely no relation to the groove :lol:
Yeah, ever wondered why all electronica is like strictly between 120 and 140 bpm, and almost religiously in 4/4?

It's so the retards that packed the place 20 mins after the gig ended could dance with some stranger they're going to fuck later on in the evening. (In case you didn't notice, the venue IMMEDIATELY shifted into nightclub mode as soon as Meshuggah left the stage - horrid music commenced without pause, and a queue was forming around the corner into chinatown soon after)
Dude, just the second riffs in Lethargica and Electric Red alone were worth the price of admission. That feeling of dissonant djent breakdowns tearing the venue up... unreal. Made Whitechapel seem like a joke (which they of course are).
Obviously one of the most unique heavy bands. One of those rare bands that come out and change the game. Amazing live.
Gareth, if it's any consolation, we had to endure a typical cookie cutter metalcore band (called It Dies Today or something like that) :lol:
thats zero consolation
ZERO >:{

i am listening to catch 33 to get my revenge
Speak for yourself. I got to the venue at 8, just in time to see Whitechapel pack it in! We all kind of planned ahead not to be subjected to any more core than necessary.

Also Harry, did you notice how that was like one of the best set lists like... ever? Not a single poor song on there.
the only setlist i ever want to see meshuggah do live is catch 33 and nothing in their entirities.

well that's bullshit, but still, a guy can dream :)