Just so everyone knows...

If noone "gives a fuck" then why are you all talking about this? tzzzz..

Its not really talking about it, as it is laughing at it.
In case you don't see why its so funny, here is a re-cap:

Girl makes posts admitting she masturbates to the pictures of a different guy here every 6 months, and calling it love. Posts how shes Bi, and hits on basically anything that moves regardless of gender, or species.

New Guy comes along, doesn't know shit about the board, because he didn't lurk moar, becomes guy number 3 (or 4, I lost count) to fap to. Guy is lonely fuck, so he decides to actually act upon such events. The two meet and fuck for a weekend, and tell us all how great and non-fuck-in-the-head it was, and call it a relationship.

Guy goes home, and Girl fucks the first thing that winks at her. Guy is crushed, and is banned for not seeing it coming a year ago. Popcorn ensues.

Its a tragic tale of a man who didn't Lurk Moar.
That's not the reason he was banned :lol:

You see I already forgot what you told me. :p
Basically; Chris failed, got a ban, we lol'd, epic win!

I don't know why you mods are always searching for a reason to ban people, or how you need to have some secret meeting of elders to decide what is and is not fagotry on these boards. Ban people for being dumb, when they are being dumb.

Are you serious ? :err:

Literally, no. At least I don't think so, but its not hard to believe.