Just spend 14 hours mixing, what do you think?


Hey, Here's a track I mixed last night, I'm liking the general direction, but it still holds too much mud / cloud over it, any tips?

Also what do you guys happen to think about the mix? I'm still new to this so it would be greatly appreciated if I could get some feedback.

Many thanks!


**EDIT** (08/08/2010)

Ok! Now I dig it.. finally after all this time, I finally enjoy it hahaha! If there are any questions or tips you wanna ask or share then please do! However I cannot get the snare to have any body to it.. I've tried boosting at 200Hz etc.. nothing seems to get it to sound fuller... any help there guys?

Enjoy! And let me know what you thought.


As always with me there's the Dropbox MP3 and the HQ SoundCloud Stream:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5079813/Mixing Tests/New Demo Track 1.mp3

I remember your previous versions of this song. I like it a lot. I'm personally not a fan of the compression, but it's a pretty good mix.

By the way, in the outro riff, you're using a whammy right? I've been trying to get a similar effect out of my pitch shifter. What are the settings on it?
I remember your previous versions of this song. I like it a lot. I'm personally not a fan of the compression, but it's a pretty good mix.

By the way, in the outro riff, you're using a whammy right? I've been trying to get a similar effect out of my pitch shifter. What are the settings on it?

Thanks man! Is there too much compression for your liking? I can sometimes think I hear a bit of pumping in there but it might just be me...

And I set my Digitech Whammy to 2 octaves so that when the pedal gets depressed fully it obviously shifts the pitch up 2 octaves.
Yeah I would say if you are going to compress the master that much, make sure individual tracks are compressed enough so it doesn't pump like that. If you do decide to take that route, chances are it'll sound like shit though so just don't expect too much.
Awesome riff dude. Has a nice Pantera vibe to it i like!
The updated mix sounds good imo. But it seems the guitars are panned too far left for my liking. 100/100 this shit. ;)

By the way what did you use to record it? chain? real mic'd amps? impulses and plugins?
Awesome riff dude. Has a nice Pantera vibe to it i like!
The updated mix sounds good imo. But it seems the guitars are panned too far left for my liking. 100/100 this shit. ;)

By the way what did you use to record it? chain? real mic'd amps? impulses and plugins?

I don't own an audio interface atm as all my money went on plugins and festivals hahaha but I'm saving up for one!

I basically go straight into my sound card (from my guitar) using my sennheiser headphone cables, then I just screw an adapter from 1/8" to 1/4" so it fits into my guitar, and the other end is already the right size for the mic input on my guitar.

Then I make sure it doesn't clip, whack on the TSE X30 v1.6 Sovtek free amp sim and use the keFIR v1 to load impulses and atm I'm uing the GuitarHack JJ FRED45 0 and GuitarHack JJ FRED45 1.

Quad tracked (that means 2 left and 2 right doesn't it?) 2 at 100% and 2 around 80%.

Then I use a tube saturator plugin to give it a touch of warmth, cut from about 125Hz down to create headroom and cut the bullshit freq's you don't need and around 4.5K to lose some fizz.

that's about it man :D

New mix also! Please check it out as all of the settings I just told you are in the new mix, they weren't in the old one.
Thanks for the info. That's crazy you're getting this tone from just a soundcard. o_O
wtf. :lol:
And yes, I like the panning much better on your updated file.

I usually have 4 guitars left 100% and 4 right 100%. Beefs it up quite nicely. :D
Yeah it wouldn't send and then it didn't tell me when I deleted the first post haha. I don't know if the part about Tool was random or not, but I agree wholeheartedly.
Thanks for the info. That's crazy you're getting this tone from just a soundcard. o_O
wtf. :lol:
And yes, I like the panning much better on your updated file.

I usually have 4 guitars left 100% and 4 right 100%. Beefs it up quite nicely. :D

Tone rarely comes from the soundcard...
Oh, Jambi. Yeah I'm really more of a fan of Aenima (or however you spell it) and Lateralus, but the new stuff's not bad at all, I really do like The Pot.
Tone rarely comes from the soundcard...

I know what you're trying to say, I get it. Tone starts with your fingers and playing, then translates through your rig and recording setup. Generally speaking though, there's always some loss of tone and integrity with cheap interfaces. So, with him just going through a soundcard, that's why I am impressed with the quality.
I know what you're trying to say, I get it. Tone starts with your fingers and playing, then translates through your rig and recording setup. Generally speaking though, there's always some loss of tone and integrity with cheap interfaces. So, with him just going through a sound card, that's why I am impressed with the quality.

Yeah, it's fucking retarded hahaha I listened to how a guitar should sound through an audio interface when DI'ing and mine sounded identical but it kept distorting.. I fixed this problem by reducing my mic input from 100% to about 3% however there is still a slight amount of distortion even when I lower te actual guitar volume (EMG 81), so the guitars could sound better / cleaner.. but I think they've come out ok.

And for the 4 guitar thing I was reading something with Misha from Periphery and he said that having 4 guitars each side is awesome for sludgy stuff but when you need tight fast picking it's usually better to use 1 or 2 each side.
It can be very sludgy or it can make it really beefy, but still clear. it all depends on your tone, pickups, presets, eq'ing, impulses, etc. on what's the end result. So I think it depends on the type of music and the mix. Generally when I quad track each side I don't have all tracks blasting at 100% volume... I try and balance it out so it has enough balls and isn't too thin, but yet isn't cloudy either.