Just too fucking cool


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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a couple weeks ago rebirth and I had a 74 minute phone convo. Last friday, Zanex and I hooked up and had lots of fun.

I just got off teh phone with TROY hahahaha. 2 hours we talked.

TROY Is super fuckin cool. A GREAT guy by far.

**(and while Troy and I were talking, Zanex beeped in ahhahaha. This is great shit. This board has been so good to me, i have lots of friends here, and one by one, im meeting and chatting with you guys......great stuff)**

Actually the bill for rebirth was 280 dollars.WOW!!!!

I cursed out the phone comapany...ATT&T that is.

Im changing long distance servers. Going to all tell..

I can get a package for 3 dollars a month, i can call OZ, for 15 cents a minute. Thats a deal...then i can call REBIRTH once a month for an hour for 9 dollars.

I can get a package to call troy for 2.50 a month, and talk for an hour a month for about 6 dollars.

Zanex, now he lives close enough that it only costs pockett change, but i can get a package for waay cheap to call him as well.

BUt no shit guys, if you ever get a chance, meet someone or phone chat someone from this board...its cool im tellin ya. I mean, i value some of you guys as friends, and its just cool to meet and caht after a yr or more of net talking.

ANd ill say this....if you cant find a subject to chat about..I CAN hahahahahha....i am a profesional TALKER hahahhha.
DSM>>Normally im not a phone guy either. BUt hey, maybe its not for you guys, but i loved the phone chats with these guys.

If they lived near me, i would never talk to them on the phone, i would just drop in hahahha.

NOLORD>>hey dude.
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
In person, I'm the one that's always saying stuff that doesn't really make sense, and it's not really funny, and people just stare at me like "what the fuck?"

Hey, I'm sorta like that here too

Its ppl like you who keep everyone else on their toes you know. You have a good quality there.
well, of course i make weird comments, try to liven up the party, be friendly, but what makes me NOT talk is shit that happened to me in previous years... i try not to dwell on it, but its chizeled into my mind like stone.... oh well heh....

a professional talker eh?
Boo, mags.
I smell.... MEAT!!!!!! *Growls*
hahaha, dude, i can find NAYTHING To talk about..ANYTHING. More in person than on the PC actually, and looking at the counter here,,,,i talk a lot here hahahhaa.
I bring up random topics to discuss

the magic of shoelaces
giraffes taking over the world
how cool penguins are
mayonaisse kicks ass
spoons and the evil they cause

Originally posted by ledmag
Its ppl like you who keep everyone else on their toes you know. You have a good quality there.


RP- You know, I've actually pondered all of those. Especially how cool penguins are. A friend of mine had a stuffed penguin a few years back. He was a teenager, but carried it everywhere he went... I slept with the penguin a few times...
I don't like talking on the phone either and in person, I have to know you well before I will talk to you and joke with you. I don't just randomly chat with someone. If you talk to someone that just sees me everyday and ask them what I am like they will say "quiet." If you ask one of my friends or my family they will say "cool." Well, I don't actually know what they would say. I will argue with someone that I don't know though about music or religion. I will chat with anyone about those two things, but I love to chat with someone who believes something totally different than me. Anyway, I think the internet is great, because even quiet people will talk a lot on the internet because you don't really know anyone on the internet personally and they won't come to your town and spread rumors so you feel you can open up to them more. And that's what makes the internet great, because I feel that everyone has something interesting to add to atleast one topic. Internet brings all types of people together. You see that on this board.