Just too fucking cool

DNDS>>Im a bit more serious in real life, but still nearly the same. I mean i kid and joke all the time. Ppl say im fun.

BWD>>>Well, something seemed to get in the way of mine and Zanex's meet. But finnaly we did it. IT was lots of fun.
i wouldent sleep with a penguin.
they smell like fish. :p

seems like waaay too many people here have problems with speaking normally. not that im complaining, i do too.
I am now and forever will be the person/board meember that is always just around. I don't know anyone well enough on the board to get mentioned, but i also am not hated enough to get mentioned. i ahve quite a few posts yet i make no impact what so ever.
This is the same as my social life. i have friends, acquaintences, and close friends and best friends, yet i'm just there and nothing else.
by no means am i bitching or whining here, i'm statin gfact.

I'm looking for a word to use for me, what's the most average and normal and like very beige and grey and full of unimportant importance. thats me
KARMIC>>>Dude, i have chatted with you. I even made a post to you. REmemebr, that link? Hang with us.

EY>>You fucker, your cool dude. Not on a list, what the fuck are you talking about? Those polls where everyone laughs at the ppl on th elist hahahaha? You make an impact. Your an exellent flamer. FUCKIN EXELENT.
hey led, if me, dnds, amos, and some other people got together during the next Nevermore tour and met up/went to a show in Virginia or somewhere, would you be up to the drive to go?
dude, the their is a show within driving disatnce (the surounding states of KY),...I will do my best to be there. ANd Zanex will go with me......
ha ha... did Rebirth's accent trip you up at all Leds? ha ha... He's got a more southern accent than me for sure, i'm from Melbourne... so... i'm classy :lol:
TRAPPED>>I love his accent dude. He saod shit like 'ran bloody fucking piss pouring past me"...I loved it,. We understood everything each of us said. It was awsome.
Once i get all my phone long distance packages together, ill call ya too.

DSM>>hahaha, dude, we are close, but not on the boarder hahaha. CHeck a map man. Yahoo has some good ones.