Justin Timberlake

Mar 18, 2002
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What do you guys think of Justin Timberlake?

Ok...lets face it, probably everyone here hates pop and everyone in the pop-industri, but I really likes his voice.
Am I a fucking idiot who likes some nsync-justin stuff? :wave:
i agree, i think his solo cd is pretty good, mainly cus i like the guys who wrote the entire thing, ever listen to N.E.R.D, its really different from opeth but i still dig it
Ok. 3 points.

1. He sounds like he wants to sound like Michael Jackson.

2. What the fuck are you doing on an Opeth board?

3. What the fuck am I doing reading this thread?
Please take this shit to a faggot pop board. We do not need exposure to this shit. If I liked that I would watch MTV instead of surf a metal board.
we dont need this shit on such a tr000000000 metal board like this. If we are talking about a group thats not opeth, then no more then 100 people should ever hear of the group you will talk about. make it be a rule. [/sarcasm]