Kalmah - Lyrics - Favorites


Feb 12, 2007

Id like to start à thread, with your 2 favorites sentence and lyrics... I actualy want to see some of your opignion too :

-2 Fav sentence

-2 Fav lyrics

My 2 fav sentence :

Alteration : Wounded by a gun never fired - Humanity

I actualy never understanded this sentence, but... I guest its the cowardness of the humans.

Withering Away : Believer - the feeble natured, Completely influenced by abuser.

I actualy hardly understand this one too... I guest its... From the religion, the old one.

My fav 2 lyrics :

Moon of my night.
Kill the Idealist.
i think my favorite lines are

Using the Word:

Using the word means power, Using religion as a shield

i just love this line because of the "using religon as a shield" part, i think that unfortunately describes alot of people

Tordah: < cant help it i love this song!

But I'm neurotic, I am vehement, I am withdrawn, A psychotic man

^ those lines are just like a really cool way to say "so what im a fuck up, but fuck you too"

and my favorite two song lyrics are: [this is for now shit changes like every 5 days]
Evil in You
One From The Stands

Edit: doesn't anyone know what Tordah means? i assume its not in English and i want to know
Tordah is a word that means drinking or being drunk. Totally drunk. Wasted.
It is actually a word that guys from Pudasj&#228;rvi use to describe their normal activity during happiness / sadness / normal weekends / parties etc.
Ok, I am joking about that but in any case: finnish verb would be tordata = to drink, to get wasted.
Olla infernaalisessa tordassa = to get in infernal tordah
Torda's english version is tordah, at least in Pekka's own languge, I believe that he is the father of this interesting english version of the word. Actually I've never asked him about that, but I am 98&#37; sure of it.
Guys of this group and their friends are the only people I've heard using this word. So don't get surprised if most of the finnish people doesn't understand its meaning. :)
*ugh, I've spoken*
Oh, I believe he knows. They really do read this stuff almost daily (at least weekly) but are just way too lazy to answer... :D
I think you all have noticed that if there are true questions they do answer in few of those. They just don't blabber.

I've heard a saying that Finnish men = silent, honest and ready for action. :D
Are you just a just an egear fan or friend? :P No ei, just kidding.

But back to topic.

"But they will return" so simple and sounds good. I can see when Pekka is with his red hunting hat waiting for the birds in the swamps to come and when they come he shoots and misses. Then you here the frustrasion and the typical vittu perkele saatana when They fly away. But when he is all alone with Swamplord he knows that the sound of stroking wings will come back and yeah, they will return!
To Burbots: Taidan olla vähän sekä että, se ei vain ole minulle mikään kerskailun aihe. Arvostan molempia osa-alueita yhtälailla :)

I love most of their lyrics deeply. There are many aspects that I do adore and Pekkas way of lyrical thinking is very interesting as well as his ability to play with the words and thoughts.
In every song there is something I like lyrically. I can't say which one is my favorite song but combination of meaningful lyrics with great musical stories is the THING in Kalmah for me.
And I believe for many others as well. :)
I love most of their lyrics deeply. There are many aspects that I do adore and Pekkas way of lyrical thinking is very interesting as well as his ability to play with the words and thoughts.
In every song there is something I like lyrically. I can't say which one is my favorite song but combination of meaningful lyrics with great musical stories is the THING in Kalmah for me.
And I believe for many others as well. :)

yeah i agree i love the stories that i hear from the lyrics and the great instrumentals. i dont think i can pick a favorite kalmah song either i just keep changing like every few days.