Kalmah @ Tuska Festival

As far as I can remember, they played:
Defeat, Bitter Metallic Side, TBW, Groan of Wind, One From The Stands,
Heroes To Us,
Hollow Heart, Swamphell,
Heritance of Berija, Black Roija (not sure)

The ones from TBW were great, but the old ones were pure awesomeness!
FUCK, I'm so jealous right now.

It seems as though they played songs mostly from TBW which is awesome and all but I would prefer them to play older songs more, since they don't really ever play live.
Yeah, it was pretty god damn good, for me it was the best set/band of the weekend, closely followed by Tarot. I noticed people were starting to gather there as soon as Opeth started, so I joined them after three Opeth songs (that's the time it took me and my friend to drink all of our alcohol playing "When you hear the same riff for 20 seconds, drink!" :goggly:)

About ½hours before Kalmah started the noise in the tent became too much to bear with plain ears, so I had to put on my ear-safety-things (at loss of words :lol: ). Well, it settled down after a while and the next thing I remember is the beginning of Bitter Metallic Side. A lot of shoving was going around and we even had a few small moshpits I think, but they were quickly sorted out (they were not allowed after a few guys got themselves into hospital condition the following night watching Arch Enemy). I loved it, felt like a crowded club gig. It's always fun to watch the grumpy expressions on peoples faces in such places...I tend to enjoy them VERY much... Anyway, I think the setlist posted before is correct (not the order though) but I don't recall hearing Black Roija.

Hmm, my text can be pretty hard to follow at times, sorry for that. Anyway, it was awesome and I want more :rock:
Yeah it was fun getting everyone to yell "kalmah! kalmah! kalmah!"
over and over again for half an hour before things started :D
Damn my throat got dry after a while^^
I was the guy who was yelling each bandmembers name during the soundcheck.
The best part by far was when the intro to Heroes to Us started. The whole tent was like, HEEEEEEEROES! Damn, best concert ever. I'm pretty sure they played Black Roija.

Also I was pretty damned surprised when they played The Black Waltz... Awesome live song.
kalmah was one of the best gigs at tuska :D especially heritance of berija, and all the songs from TBW were perfect for live performance, imho (one from the stands - untopable!).
for some reason it felt as if the gig lasted shorter than others' :( (though i doubt that this was the case).


(sorry, i never saw anything else than hair :D )



i wanted to take more pictures and of all members, but two reasons kept me away:
1. fog all the time
2. hey, this was kalmah playing, and their gigs are not exactly often, so i had enjoy rather than to shoot pics :grin:
...those bootlegs won`t be linked on this board.

The setlist was:
1. Bitter Metallic Side
2. Swamphell
3. Heritance of Berija
4. Defeat
5. The Black Waltz
6. Hollow Heart
7. Heroes to Us
8. The Groan of Wind
Wow. Gig in Tuska was AWESOME!
No matter I've seen Kalmah live 5 times, this was the best. Crowd was great and the band played it's best.
The chanting before the gig made my heart almost to stop. It sounded unbelievable! And I was stading outside the tent... can't imagine how it was inside before the gig started.