Kann jemand auf Deutsch über AA mit mir reden?

all i understood was AA & Virus, did you mean the Hypocrisy album Virus?

Jeg snakke ikke Tysk.

Nein,so heißt hier kein Album von AA:lol:Das nennt man in Deutsch so wenn mann etwas liebt oder super findet:Saint:Ein Ausdruck ist es:)

Das dauert mir zu lange....Aim go to Media Markt und kaufe mir einen Übersetzer:rock:
ur german accent is sexii,

plus how did u know its a she? not he?

cuz he sounded he for me

Hehe, OK. I think this thread is gonna be fun. Her Name is MetalFee, and a Fee, in german, is a pixie in english, who are mostly female.

Btw: If you like german accent, you would probably be hooked if you heard me talking because I really SUCK on spoken english. Thanks for your compliments anyway, you are cute :)

Now about the Ossi thing, I think I should explain it. We had west and east germany, you know. Democracy and something called freedom in the west, socialism and the Stasi in the east. "East" is called "Osten" in german, and "west" is "Westen", so we have Ossis and Wessis here, even now, 18 years after the Reunion. We still make jokes about each other, mostly about the Ossis. They didn't have bananas in the DDR, so there is one going like that: "In Berlin, how can you tell where is the east and where west? - You put a banana on the Berlin Wall, and the side that will have a bite off is the east". Just to name one. It is mean.

Well, I have a good translator for you which I always use: http://dict.leo.org/?lang=de&lp=ende

Now about the Ossi thing, I think I should explain it. We had west and east germany, you know. Democracy and something called freedom in the west, socialism and the Stasi in the east. "East" is called "Osten" in german, and "west" is "Westen", so we have Ossis and Wessis here, even now, 18 years after the Reunion. We still make jokes about each other, mostly about the Ossis. They didn't have bananas in the DDR, so there is one going like that: "In Berlin, how can you tell where is the east and where west? - You put a banana on the Berlin Wall, and the side that will have a bite off is the east". Just to name one. It is mean.

ahhhhhhhhh now i understand! lol!

*hits head*


i should really pick up another language shouldn't I? lol