NEGURA BUNGET - " 'n crugu bradului" - Reviews
Negura Bunget - 'N crugu Bradului

Seguo i Negura Bunget dai tempi della Bestial Records, e questo esordio su Code666 (a parte una comparsa su una compilation) mi riempie di oscuro piacere. Niente titoli su questo CD, solo i numeri delle quattro tracce. La prima di queste si apre con un' intro davvero sinistra, che lascia poi spazio ad un glaciale Black Metal che -se pur mantiene certe caratteristiche dell'old school più ruvida- ci consente un approccio notevole con la band rumena. La seconda track alterna atmosfere cupe e riflessive (di notevole impatto) ad altre più tirate. E' la voce di Hupogrammos Disciple's alternativamente growl e pulita a prendere il sopravvento sull' intero pezzo. Purtroppo i testi in madre-lingua non aiutano molto, ma il mood che creano è decisamente accattivante. Il terzo brano, si apre con una melodia di tastiera molto tetra, che viene poi ripresa dalle chitarre. "III" è secondo me l'episodio più riuscito di tutto il CD, ma è difficile fare un distinguo, dato che ogni traccia ha vita sua, e sembra rappresentare un'opera a se stante. Le chitarre sono cupe e atmosferiche, sorrette da un riffing devastante: a volte molto Burzum-oriented, a volte più veloci e melodiche. L'utilizzo di strumenti tradizionali è perfettamente inserito nelle canzoni, che ci trasportano nel nebbioso e tetro mondo della foresta Transilvana. Il continuo alternarsi di parti propriamente Black Metal, con altre davvero ipnotiche e suggestive. Ci si trova, così, ad essere continuamente spiazzati nell'ascolto, mentre la maestria dei Negura Bunget si dipana per tutto il CD. Arriviamo all'ultima traccia, ancora una volta aperta da un'intro molto lunga e dall'effetto veramente angosciante. Si apre, poi, un Black Metal tiratissimo, alternato alle solite parti atmosferiche. Se le tracks di questo "'N crugu Bradului" non sono particolarmente differenti tra loro, se non altro per la struttura dei pezzi, ma il lavoro è decisamente ad alti livelli e rivela -finalmente- a tutti il talento della band rumena.

Aggiunto: October 9th 2003
Recensore: Satana
Voto: 4 1/2
Link Correlati: Home Page Negura Bunget

Negura Bunget - n' Crugu Bradului (code666)

Year: 2003
Reviewer: Scott Murray
Rating: 10/10

Sometimes it takes years, other times maybe five to ten listens, but other times you know immediately that there is something phenomenal emanating from your stereo. Such was my case with the Romanian trio of Negura Bunget who deliver one of the best and most mesmerizing black metal releases in recent memory with "'n Crugu Bradului."

Before I could even immerse myself into this true experience of an album, I was treated to the fantastic multimedia display contained as a bonus within the disc, including a breathtaking trailer for the album showcasing a selected instrumental interlude and stunning Romanian forest-scapes. Past the intro, there is basically a contained website (bio, discography, contacts, etc.) and a bonus video. This goes far beyond moving aesthetics of course.

Among others, Enslaved fans that have been put off by the band's more recent releases should be putting a listening session of Negura Bunget at the top of their "to do lists." It is a highly progressive and meandering album consisting of four songs simply named "I","II", "III", and "IIII" running just shy of an hour. While musically the band incorporates symphonic (not overblown elements by any means), folk and other outside influences into its eclectic blend, this is still highly blackened in the vein of earlier Enslaved classics and during the really gritty BM shredding components I'm reminded of "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" and "Transilvanian Hunger." This one stacks up quite nicely to "Mardraum: Beyond the Within" and easily dispatches of "Monumension" and "Below the Lights."

Even farther beyond the enthralling and time swallowing (this album just zips by) essence of "n Crugu Bradului" lies some fascinating lyrical content. Deeply rooted in Transylvanian history and spirituality, the English translations found online read more like well-versed excerpts of beautiful and haunting poetry rather than black metal lyrics. There is even purpose in the numeric song titles, meant to represent "the 4 seasons through a year frame evolution."

No mistaken here, Negura Bunget is the real deal, the full monty, the works. This is the complete black metal experience. I just cannot recommend this album enough. Check out the band's superbly crafted website at:

If you'd like to read English translations of the album's lyrics, head over to this website (just scroll down a bit, the translations are underneath the original verses).
Metalworks Ireland
Negur? Bunget
?'N Crugu Bradului?
code 666
With the rising of the European East as a new power in Extreme Metal comes Romania?s Negur? Bunget. ?'N Crugu Bradului? is my first encounter with the band, although I?ve long been anxious to hear them from the many complimentary words I?ve read in the past. This certainly is no easy ride - to gain complete satisfaction from ?'N Crugu Bradului?, one must give it the time and patience that its complexity deserves. Take primitive, barbaric Black Metal, complete with tortured aggressive vocals and buzzing guitars, and generous ? sometimes subtle - leanings towards Near Eastern sounds; add a healthy portion of blatant passion, and you?ll be closer to tasting the many unique and wholesome flavours of Negur? Bunget. This is no simple cocktail of a variety of sounds for want of achieving originality, however; there?s a hell of a lot more to ?'N Crugu Bradului? than that, the Metal and other elements having been intermingled in such ways that separating one from another would prove no easy task. No, this whole thing sounds 100% natural, and even the packaging adds to this feeling - a handmade cardboard carton (laboured over by the band members themselves), containing a fir leaf from the band?s locality, encases the disk. Add to this a very good CD-Rom element, which includes a video for the track ?Vazduh? (which, in its audio format, is exclusive to Code666?s ?Better Undead than Alive? sampler), along with much more. No Black Metal release has worked its way into my blood in as engrossing a way as this has, since Satyricon?s debut. Fantastic stuff. Do yourself a favour, and don?t let this one slip you by.
10/10 Máirtín Mac Cormaic