Karaoke Thread


Flesh To Steel
Feb 28, 2007
Windsor, Canada
Well I'm no expert at this stuff but I converted a few songs to karaoke versions just because I know I spent a lot of time wishing I'd had them for fun.

I only upped a couple of songs because It might seem inappropriate to start posting too much stuff even though the quality isn't the best. You can still slightly hear the vocals at times. But here they are; Cry my name by Bloodbath, and Pitch Black Progress by Scar Symmetry. When I learn more I'm sure it'll sound better but this is the extent of what I know for now.

Hopefully it isn't seen as a bad thing to post such things, I just figured a few people might like to fuck around with the vocal tracks, maybe even post their versions if they wanted to:p

They are posted on Fileden so they won't randomly disappear either...

Cry My Name:
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/4/13/981563/Cry My Name (Karaoke).mp3
Pitch Black Progress:
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/4/13/981563/Pitch Black Progress (Karaoke).mp3
There wasn't an Eaten karaoke, there was Cry My Name, Bastard Son of God, and Buried by the Dead.

I still have Bastard son and Buried, but I don't know what happened to Cry My Name.