Everyone's opinion matters, if it's honest and constructive Reece, whether you agree with it or not..

I partly agree with him, there's a thin line between when songs come across well live and not, it all depends on a person's mood, the sound and the performance of the band.
Anthony said:
Of what i'm really amazed - Daniel Lilijekvist is FUCKING great! His playing is really live, he improvises a lot, he makes mistakes and he makes differences in his parts every time. I'm just his fan.
I agree with you here, except that for me this is one of the main
negative things about Katatonia live, his "improvisations, mistakes and differences" is exactly what 'kills' the feeling and impact of the original songs for me.
I am actually a fan of his playing, on CD. I was delighted when I heard LFDGD for the first few times, what a great new drummer, awesome drive, great groove! But live it all sounds totally different and gone is this drive & groove. Though I gotta say on the DVD it ain't that bad and I'm able to enjoy it.
Another example of the contrary is Daylight Dies' live performance I witnessed in Utrecht almost 2 years ago (supporting Katatonia). They managed to re-produce and
enhance the atmosphere of their songs in an utterly amazing way. This concert is still one of the best and most intense concerts I ever witnessed.