Katatonia "Best of" album


Oct 20, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
I just came up with this idea! There are many Katatonia songs almost impossible to be owned, the ones on Jhva Elohim Meth, Sounds of Decay and Saw You Drown. Fans who have paid big money to get the originals would get angry, if they were re-released. So I thought it would be great if they released them on one cd and everyone would be happy. Normally I hate all collections, but this would of course be different.
That's what Peaceville Records did with the three hard to get .E.P's of My Dying Bride. They amalgamated them onto one disk and called it 'Trinity'.

Something like that with Katatonia would be very good.
and "No devotion" and "fracture" (the bonus songs on the rereleased version of Tonight's Decision)
Of course i have these songs (didn't bought the released version though :grin: ),but i think it would be fair to put them on a special album,since it's so damn annoying and unfair to re-release an album some months/a year after it was released.... :mad: