Katatonia huh

He also says fuck a couple times in 'Without God'. That bug you too? Shut up please. Katatonia is in no way over rated, nor are their lyrics bad.

Last Fair Deal Gone Down is amazing. 'Tonight's Music', 'Disposession', 'Teargas', and 'Sweet Nurse' are fantastic tunes.
Why does the use of profanity piss you off? Is it because it ruins the flow of the song? I don't think it detracts from it at all and fits the song well given the context

word. it's perfect as it is within the songs on Viva Emptiness (which is my clear favourite together with BMD)
My favs are bar none Brave Murder Day and Tonight's Decision. Favorite songs are Black Session, Nowhere, and Endtime right now. Liked everything overall but Last Fair Deal Gone Down and Viva Emptiness are a little weird for me sometimes.
Viva Emptiness is the strongest of their newer stuff. Brave Murder day is awesome in its own right. All of them are good and worth checking out. Hopefully Katatonia will lead you to Diabolical Masquerade and October Tide as well.
i got Viva Emptiness. like it a lot! very moody songs. and their guitar tone is kinda grungey. cool lyrics that stick out like sore thumb sometimes "*atmospheric riffing*...a fucking lie! don't give a shit...it's over now." :lol: :rock:
He also says fuck a couple times in 'Without God'. That bug you too? Shut up please. Katatonia is in no way over rated, nor are their lyrics bad.

Last Fair Deal Gone Down is amazing. 'Tonight's Music', 'Disposession', 'Teargas', and 'Sweet Nurse' are fantastic tunes.

I apologize for having an opinion, and not being able to enjoy mediocre lyrics. It's not like I don't enjoy the band anyway, they have awesome choruses and are great songwriters, the lyrics just seem really forced at times, and don't flow well.
It's not even specifically profanity that I'm saying they don't use well, but just word choice in general.