Fernando made an entry on Moonspell's forum yesterday concerning his opinions, so please for further information
go here.
I'll just quote one of the main paragraphs:
Fernando said:
I love Katatonia! For me they would headline over Metallica as they are a special brand, a one of a kind, a feast for my senses, a gift of darkness. As persons they are respectful, considerate, educated and there is no competition behind us, rather much more a killer and bullet proof friendship, tested already on this tour, believe me. We do not behave as headliners or nothing of the sort. And our fans respect Katatonia as much as they do respect Moonspell, too bad some people cant be like that on the other way around. I love our fans for that. Much more, of course, but for that more than everything right now! Lessons have to be learned from music. You can not listen to it and get away with nothing. Most of people who say bad stuff about us while praising Katatonia do not know what they are getting into: nothing, nothing, nothing. I understand peoples preferences (I awe in wait sometimes through support bands or headliners just to see my faved ones) what I do not understand is this portable stupidity which plagues the net and the Metal scene. Anyway I am the one who gets to discuss lyrics deeply with Jonas or the old times with Anders. And that is as priceless as their music which I hold to my heart regardless of the people who like them and hate us.
And now I'll write my own opinion. I love Moonspell, as much but probably even more than I love Katatonia.
If your problem is only their songs well, whether you like the band or not (although I think that judging a band only because you've heard a song you didn't like - especially since in my opinion if you like Katatonia there are
at least a few Moonspell songs you'll like - is the wrong attitude), their new album is great. That's not only because I like it, even though I do (a lot), but it has been rated with high scores such as nine or ten out of ten in most magazines, and that must mean something. And it is by all means NOT a soft album, it's heavier than The Great Cold Distance for instance.
The band doesn't play songs from those considered their worst (and coincidentally or not, softer) albums anymore, which are Sin Pecado and The Butterfly Effect, so I don't see why you would dislike the show as much as you think you'd. Their current tracklist is also awesome, as they are playing some of their most amazing songs in my opinion: Blood Tells, Alma Mater, In and Above Man, Vampiria, Full Moon Madness... hell, those are just classics!
I just know I'd never leave before the headlining band... first of all because I paid the ticket; and in second place because it's mean - I'm sure you wouldn't like it either. If you've never heard of the band, well, that's the perfect oportunity. Who cares if they're known or not? Isn't the quality of the music that counts before the fame?
And yes, they do perform some killer shows. I've been to a couple of them and I know what I'm talking about.
Well, I hope you don't bash me, I'm just giving my two cents on the subject.
I support both Moonspell and Katatonia, they are some of my favourite bands and I think they fit brilliantly together.