Katatonia NYC 10/22

i think daylight dies played only stuff from their new one. they sounded pretty good, but the bass guitar was too loud.

a life less lived
all we had
strive to see
lies that bind
[edit] a dream resigned

why nothing from no reply? i'd love to have heard unending waves.

katatonia was awesome. the bass was too loud the first two songs, but they fixed it. the sound was great. what an awesome voice. the songs are out of order and i might have missed one.

soil's song
cold ways
tear gas
for my demons
tonight's music
my twin
ghost of the sun
I was at the show tonight, and it kicked ass! I also interviewed Anders and Jonas before the show, so that interview should be online in the near future. Does anyone know if the setlists posted above are correct? I'm going to be writing up a full review on the show as I had a photo pass so setlists would be a big help. Thanks! :)
Here is the setlist in order:
Soil's Song
Cold Ways
Tonight's Music
For My Demons
Ghost Of The Sun
My Twin

Great show. Thanks again, Katatonia & Moonspell, you made my year...again.
coolsnow7 said:
You didn't stay for Moonspell either, eh?

I'll admit to it...I have never seen so many people clear out before a headliner, ever. Katatonia put on a great show, and the setlist was just about perfect, especially Cold Ways, which I was not expecting to hear, and Ghost Of The Sun and For My Demons sounded much more powerful live.
Unregistered: The last (and best IMO) song Daylight Dies did was A Dream Resigned, also from their latest.
coolsnow7 said:
You didn't stay for Moonspell either, eh?

i did. i just never heard of them before, so i don't know what the songs are called. however, i know they played "sanguine" and "nocturn." i thought they were pretty good, and got their cd. more than a third of the people left before moonspell's set.
derbeder said:
that's just really weird.

There were still a very good amount of people there for Moonspell. From what Fernando told me in the interview, people have been leaving before them for all of the tour, but I'm sure they were more than pleased with how things went last night.
Maideneer said:
Here is the setlist in order:
Soil's Song
Cold Ways
Tonight's Music
For My Demons
Ghost Of The Sun
My Twin

Great show. Thanks again, Katatonia & Moonspell, you made my year...again.
Great! Do you know Moonspell's by any chance? I can probably compile most of it if I try, but it won't be in any kind of order.
I can see why people are not saying for Moonspell. They really don't belong on this tour at all. Besides, they haven't put out any good since the Irreligious album...so it's pretty safe to say they're not really worth staying for since they'll probably play a whole bunch of newer songs.
Deliverance6 said:
I think if it wasnt for moonspell this tour probably wouldnt have happened...........although I dont really like them so much I will certainly stay to support them....because they are supporting Katatonia.

That's a nice attitude...
it's the worst when the headliner gets no visitors :(
At least half of the crowd left after Katatonia at all three gigs so far.

Hoodies are $40, shirts are $25, and cds are $10.

Katatonia was amazing last night.

Ill have a full report up later, just need to get my pics uploaded.
$25 shirt?!?! Guhhhhh...that blowz. Maybe if the shirt is pure magic I'll get it, but on my budget...not sure.

And I'll totally stay for Moonspell. Their new album is fantastic...nice mix of the vocals and totally kicks the butt of their more Type O rip off days :p