Katatonia playing covers?

Marco Rossi

New Metal Member
Dec 9, 2005
1- Well, I´ve never seen a Katatonia gig, only in the "Black sessions" dvd, and I would like to know if they usually play any cover from other bands (not "How I enjoy..." or "Nightmares...") or if they have played any in the past.
2- In my opinion it would be something curious to listen Katatonia playing a The Cure cover ("The figurehead" or "Charlotte Sometimes" for example) cause sometimes the evoke similar feelings ( Mr Nystrom, if you read this consider it as an option!¡). I don´t know if something similar has been done before in this forum but it would bee funny to know what songs (metal or not) would you like to listen reconstructed by Katatonia. What about Depeche Mode "In Your Room"?
it would be interesting to know the bands view on some of these bands as well, obviously their is a similar link to the cure, but Depeche mode is more of a link to paradise lost.

I notice a lot of the bands that the band members listen to are either very blues, or mainstream heavy, but you rairly hear mentioned any of the classic goth artists, ie Joy Division, Souxie and the Banshies?
on another note I would love to hear them cover:

A Forest

A night like this

(It goes dark
It goes darker still
Please stay
But I watch you like I’m made of stone
As you walk away)

- The cure

In fact I know Katatonia could pull of A night like this, its always struck me as being perhaps the heaviest song in terms of The Cure's repetoir

Go on Anders just slip it in in England, Im going to be watching it hopefully twice, so it would be nice to catch you take this song of in the fantastc style that you seem to be able to adopt towards everything.

Maybe I should cover Deliberation with my band.. or July hmm?
Marco Rossi said:
1- Well, I´ve never seen a Katatonia gig, only in the "Black sessions" dvd, and I would like to know if they usually play any cover from other bands (not "How I enjoy..." or "Nightmares...") or if they have played any in the past.
2- In my opinion it would be something curious to listen Katatonia playing a The Cure cover ("The figurehead" or "Charlotte Sometimes" for example) cause sometimes the evoke similar feelings ( Mr Nystrom, if you read this consider it as an option!¡). I don´t know if something similar has been done before in this forum but it would bee funny to know what songs (metal or not) would you like to listen reconstructed by Katatonia. What about Depeche Mode "In Your Room"?

Back in '99 when they were supporting Paradise Lost, “nightmare by the sea” was included in the set.
Once, in a dream they played “ont det gör ont” (“hurt oh it hurts”), originally performed by this Swedish hot babe called “Lena PH” :grin: :grin:
An entire album of covers would be horrible. Its generally nice to hear a band pull out a surprise cover at a gig, but an entire album would bore the life out of me!!