Katatonia status 2008

I have a lot of patience and can wait a while for the next album (music should come naturally, not be created from a mountain of pressure)... but a "real" DVD. Ohh how I'd love one asap! :worship:
I sort of assume they will not record for a dvd before after the release of the next album so they can get some songs from that one in. But its just what i think.
I cant wait either way, I can honestly say they have never let me down before and I seriously doubt they will start now, Im a fan of pretty much every musical endevour Katatonia members enter into, like; Bloodbath, October tide, Diabolical Masquerade to name a few. So Im just happy to wait, because lets face it, TGCD is going to be pretty hard to top, but im very confident they will do it. :-)