Katatonia - Wealth. Man on a cross...

Thx for many fine answers. I really liked the answer from MountainDweller. It was something in that direction I thought it was about myself. I don't think this song is about the mafia.
Mantraschism said:
Yeah, I don't think Wealth is about the mafia at all. Some of the previous posts had good ideas about what the song might be dealing with. I don't have any explanation better than those already provided.

LoboUivante, of course it's your right to think it's a crappy conceptual song, but in order to think that, I'd first think that you'd have to know exactly what the song is really about. Do you?

sleepy and alchool induced i agree. i was just following the first reasonings.
The problem with writing songs that look inward is that there is a point when either you're repeating yourself or you're just being fake. I think its important that bands inevitably do start to explore other territories to keep things fresh and the writing is a liittle more "real".
DeeBag said:
The problem with writing songs that look inward is that there is a point when either you're repeating yourself or you're just being fake. I think its important that bands inevitably do start to explore other territories to keep things fresh and the writing is a liittle more "real".

That is a great way to say it.