Kayo Dot/Maudlin of the Well tabs

i've done most of Sleep is a Curse already, but I've been really busy with work and such and so haven't been able to finish it up. It should be done within the next week or so.

I've also already tabbed out most of Geography, though I have no idea what the correct tuning is supposed to be. I just did EADGBF since it's tolerably easy to play in that tuning, though I highly doubt it's what the band used.
i've attempted tabbing kayo dot songs (specifically marathon, the antique, and ___on limpid form). i have just sections of them figured out.

if anyone knew his tuning for any of these, that would help immensely.
that's really toby's tuning for kayo dot?
well that explains why i'm having such a difficult time transcribing.

4lao you're from pdx too eh? good deal. you play in any bands around here?
I know I know... but I'll make sure this whole forum is aware of my professional debut the day it happens! Hopefully I'll be stinkin rich and fly you suckers over here to watch get pummeled by some world champions.
that lesbian show was rad.

and i dig the sound you guys have. i think there's definitely a lot of potential there. 2 tracks frankly doesn't cut it. I NEED MORE!