Keep it True festival next weekend


Apr 29, 2004
Last weekend I spent some "quality time" at Hawks place again, visiting some great places in his neighbourhood, enjoying the unusual summer temperature at this time of year. Next weekend we are going to the "Keep it True" festival in Germany. Should be a blast as there are great bands there AND we're going to meet Fangface there. Ofcourse you'll get some pics of it all after the weekend. If anyone else is going there let us know, so we can have an oldschool chat there !! :headbang:

bands playing at KIT ;


We'll have a blast Carnut, KIT is always an awesome festival for old-schoolers :)

Virgin Steele + Jag Panzer headlining = a dream come true :worship: :hotjump:

I'm also looking forward seeing Raven, Stormwarrior, Ruffians and Slough Feg.
Don't know about Skullview though, they've got a new singer now while their former vocalist was damn great...
Sounds like a great time. I am very envious. Have a great time, and yes, you must take lots of pictures. Looking foward to a review.
Fangface said:
We'll have a blast Carnut, KIT is always an awesome festival for old-schoolers :)

Send my regards to the old TMG gang if they show. And of course have a great time and take pics of the UMOS tribe so we can end green of envy ;)
Looks to be a good show. Now it's your turn to pay all us Prog Power folks back and make us jealous. :D Looking forward to the reviews and all the tales of madness and mayhem.
Still swimmin' Kittybeast ? Didn't see you there...We had a great time in Germany. Hawk has a few pics so he has to do the revieuw , guess it will take him a few days to get all stuff together !!
Hey Carnut, no more traffic jams on the travel back home? ;) That was great meeting you & Hawk, at last! Thanks for everything btw.

Ok, I don't know if I'll write a full review about the fest', but I can already say that JAG PANZER and RAVEN did the best shows of the day IMO.
Too bad Virgin Steele had an horrible sound... what a mess, I'm still mad about it. Their 2 hours long set was completely butchered by the soundman! Maybe you left the venue during their set Carnut & Hawk? I couldn't find you to say goodbye right after the gig.
Anyway the sound for VS was complete and utter shit, otherwise that was a very cool festival as usual. I liked Forsaken, Stormwarrior, Skullview and Ruffians, even though none of them could compete with the headliners.

I think that Jag Panzer had the best crowd response of the whole festival, people were singing along all the choruses with Tyrant and the pit turned into a headbanguing madness.
As for Raven they were up to their reputation, crazy and damn energetic! :headbang:
Yeah, we left during the Virgin Steele gig, we didn't see you around so we couldn't say goodbey properly, sorry 'bout that..hey , I guess I wanna see Riot next time so we'll likely be there again.
The bad sound of VS seems to be their own fault as they insisted using their own sound engineer. Man, did he mess up indeed !! Ruined what could have been a great gig...
Jag Panzer and Raven ruled the stage. Raven is back the hard way, that only for me was worth the long trip (and meeting Fang offcourse :) . The energy and fun off the guys still is amazing!
Yep, no traffic jams on the way home...We were legaly doing 130 miles an houre on the German autobahn for a little while !!!
carnut said:
Still swimmin' Kittybeast ? Didn't see you there...We had a great time in Germany. Hawk has a few pics so he has to do the revieuw , guess it will take him a few days to get all stuff together !!

I'm a wuss, the water was toooooooooo cold!!! :tickled:
Funny how those bands can't get a gig over here in the states and most of them are from the US. I'm only familiar with Jag Panzer, Raven, and Virgin Steele, but it sounds like you guys had a good time. Even with the shitty sound for VS.
carnut said:
Yeah, we left during the Virgin Steele gig, we didn't see you around so we couldn't say goodbey properly, sorry 'bout that..hey , I guess I wanna see Riot next time so we'll likely be there again.
No problem :)

The bad sound of VS seems to be their own fault as they insisted using their own sound engineer. Man, did he mess up indeed !! Ruined what could have been a great gig...
I hope the band will be told about the desaster so that they fire him right away... I had never heard such a crappy sound for a headlining band!

SavaRon said:
Funny how those bands can't get a gig over here in the states and most of them are from the US.
Yup, (old school) US Metal seems quite popular in Germany among (old school) metalheads.
Some very nice pics of John and Mark Gallagher of Raven taken by a friend of me (Pascal d'Hooge copyright) .

