Kemper Profiling Amp

Dude i'm going to be busy this weekend but after that you can totally come by and try it out!

Haha... actually, I just ordered one. Curiosity has got the best of me again, I guess. I don't know.. I kinda doubt that I will be disappointed with it now after hearing various clips that sounded pretty good, and seeing that Andy Sneap, Jason Suecof, Eye Levi, Mark Miller, etc. are all using it a lot lately and liking it.

Vanisher clip sounds cool. The leads sound great, the rhythms are a little too dry/middy sounding for my tastes, but still pretty good.
I fucked up and reamped that with the wrong patch for Kyle; this is what it sounds like with the backing cutting in/out and no processing on the gtrs:

Despite the name, its a 6505 model, not a Krank. I redid them and Kyle has the actual Krank reamps now so maybe he'll post those in a bit. Anyone who thinks this doesn't sound like a real amp + cab setup is insane; the palm mutes in the solo'd sections tell it all.

*EDIT* that one might actually be the Krank one... I don't know anymore, I'm an idiot. The one Kyle posted is DEFINITELY 6505 though.
I fucked up and reamped that with the wrong patch for Kyle; this is what it sounds like with the backing cutting in/out and no processing on the gtrs:

Despite the name, its a 6505 model, not a Krank. I redid them and Kyle has the actual Krank reamps now so maybe he'll post those in a bit. Anyone who thinks this doesn't sound like a real amp + cab setup is insane; the palm mutes in the solo'd sections tell it all.

*EDIT* that one might actually be the Krank one... I don't know anymore, I'm an idiot. The one Kyle posted is DEFINITELY 6505 though.

Yeah the save feature f'ed me up, then I save a bunch as favorites and today they are not there? Don't know what i'm doing wrong.
Yeah the save feature f'ed me up, then I save a bunch as favorites and today they are not there? Don't know what i'm doing wrong.

Is this the Krank profile that was posted in this thread?

I use the snapshots feature instead of favorites because it defaults everything to be a favorite which is fucking annoying and I haven't toyed around with it enough to figure out how to turn that off haha. I just forgot to switch back to the Krank after doing some tests for Kyle and ended up doing the reamp with the 6505 model instead.

And yeah, it's the one GGI posted but with an OD808 in front, some post eq, and a different cabinet.
Jeff, just a short message:


That sounds brilliant. The clarity is amazing. I am sure Kyles playing helps alot also.

Well done to GGI for the profile also.

*scratching dollars together*
didn't like the other clips but this one, especially the soloed guitar
is abaolutely convincig!

may test the kemper, even i'm absolutely happy
with my AXE-FX II though :D

Same, just did this with it. JB + OD808 + 6505 profile tweaked to taste, zero EQ in the DAW:

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It's settled, I'm receiving money for a few projects these next couple of weeks, and as soon as that's arrived I'm getting a Kemper. I live in The Faroe Islands and am in an actively gigging band, so I have to fly out to shows a few times per year. The Kemper is going to be a lifesaver, and being able to track guitars outside the studio is also great.
Btw, has anyone noticed or done any tests for aliasing with the Kemper - like, run some sine tones through it and shit... there are reports of aliasing on the Kemper forums, but those reports are coming from a few guitarists who haven't really tested it properly. I'd be interested to know actually.
That's interesting, I'd like to know that before I pull the trigger as well. The aliasing would have to be pretty severe to make a big difference, since most people low pass guitars at 12-14k, but it'd still be very interesting to know.
That's interesting, I'd like to know that before I pull the trigger as well. The aliasing would have to be pretty severe to make a big difference, since most people low pass guitars at 12-14k, but it'd still be very interesting to know.

Not sure a low-pass is really relevant. It's the wrap around frequencies that you hear when you get aliasing, so you'd have to be low-passing at a particular stage in the modelling algorithm to avoid it. If it's true, it's probably related to the oversampling mechanism.

But yah... some people have reported this, and it seems like the KPA guys haven't really responded to it - which is worrying.

Here is the thread. Bit of a beast: