Kemper Profiling Amp

I profiled my Triple Rectifier, and then ran the profile (cabinet off) through the effects return of the Recto and was absolutely floored. I'll probably never use a real head live again (at least the preamp section).
Here is the one recording I could find:

Wow, this is huge actually. Like having a slight phaser on.

Cliff will ofcourse be biased when talking about the Kemper, that goes without saying, but the guy is quite honest. Honest to the point of coming across as impolite.

If someone points out a technical flaw in his product he'll start fixing it right away and it will be fixed in the next firmware update and there have been probably over 50 firmware updates already. You can't even compare that to manufacturers like Line6.

If Kemper starts this kind of a customer service I feel like the Kemper might just be worth the money.
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I knew this was going to happen. Why? Because any time there is any competition or anything negative towards the AXE-FX Cliff is all over it. I don't really trust what he has to say as most of what he's written in the past is fraught with confirmation bias.

He's also uber aggressive towards any of his detractors. I've seen him go after his own clients on forums, even banning them for almost no reason. I wouldn't be surprised if he drops in here after he stumbles across it ego surfing. In a nut shell what I'm saying is that I don't trust what he has to say and you should take anything he has to say with a grain of salt.

I'm not saying the Kemper issue doen't exist, maybe it does, but I can't hear it. When someone that I consider reputable comes forward and says yes, this is a problem then I'll listen to them. Until then my ears say them Kemper sounds great.

One thing I should point out is that in the test he's basically saying that an Eleven rack sounds better than a Kemper. This I can't accept.

So my question is what's he going to come up with if Kemper fix it or everyone decides that it's not really an issue?
One thing I should point out is that in the test he's basically saying that an Eleven rack sounds better than a Kemper. This I can't accept.

So my question is what's he going to come up with if Kemper fix it or everyone decides that it's not really an issue?

He didn't say the 11R sounds better than the Kemper. He said the 11R had better aliasing than the Kemper and even his own product the GEN1 Axe-Fx. That sounds pretty honest.

That being said... he has given people a hard time including me. He doesn't like people talking good things about other products.

However this clip isn't from Cliff:

And anyone who says they can't hear the aliasing problem in that clip is lying to theirselves or have a severe hearing disability.
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It is there, I hear it on my unit... but its only really noticeable starting on the 19th fret on the high E, its like this swirly air above the note. I have heard this type of thing with harmonic dive bombs and such on tube amps. Not a deal breaker for me by any means, because the rest of it sounds completely badass! In the mix I don't think you could hear it at all. As is, the Kemper is a game changer IMO.
(barely audible aliasing that most people wouldn't even notice, and most didn't until it was brought up in this thread for the first time) OH GOD IT SOUNDS TERRIBLE FUCK THE KEMPER. (after praising clip, after clip, after clip, saying how good it sounds)

:lol: give me a break...
Wow... Cliff Chase seems like a bitter guy. Anyway, since I have been GAS'ing for the KPA I wanted to make sure if this aliasing issue is real and if so, is there a fix for it.

Check this out:

A hardware reset seems to fix the issue.

"I think sometimes is due to issues produced by the KPA firmware not being stable enough but most of the times I believe it is due bad profiles. In my case it was due to the first but I will not complain since I have been using beta firmwares, and you have to understand what that means."

Evidence of aliasing
Form factor isn't ideal, it being non-rack
Long start up time

Check this link, there is a fix for the aliasing issue:

True, I would prefer a rack unit for studio use but for gigging musicians it really doesn't matter as 99% of amp heads are not rackmountable.
This seems to be a good solution for those gigging with the KPA:

Long start up time is not by default, it depends on the number of profiles stored on the unit.
The more profiles you store, the longer it takes to start up.

Hope this helps.
(barely audible aliasing that most people wouldn't even notice, and most didn't until it was brought up in this thread for the first time) OH GOD IT SOUNDS TERRIBLE FUCK THE KEMPER. (after praising clip, after clip, after clip, saying how good it sounds)

:lol: give me a break...

Oh you absolute fucking mongoloid. I NEVER SAID IT SOUNDS TERRIBLE! But it is an issue of concern, and needs investigating by some techies, which is the only reason I brought it up!
Check this link, there is a fix for the aliasing issue:

True, I would prefer a rack unit for studio use but for gigging musicians it really doesn't matter as 99% of amp heads are not rackmountable.
This seems to be a good solution for those gigging with the KPA:

Long start up time is not by default, it depends on the number of profiles stored on the unit.
The more profiles you store, the longer it takes to start up.

Hope this helps.

Hey dude, yeah it kinda helps. But Christophe (in the big 36 page thread) said that it couldn't be fixed by formatting the machine, he even threatened to ban the original guy who started this little "tip" - it's not quite as cut-dry as all that. These guys don't seem to know the difference between aliasing, fast-noise gate or compression settings (which can cause distortion), or SPDIF sync failures... so it could be any number of issues that get fixed by the formatting, but no necessarily the aliasing.

Make no mistake, I'm gassing pretty hard for the KPA too right now. For all the reasons we've covered... I could probably live with the aliasing, but I want to know how severe it is in a technical sense, and I want to know whether it can be fixed in a firmware update.

There is a guy who has done tests with each firmware update, and the nature of the aliasing has changed over time. So it must be possible to fix I'd say. I've got the cash, I may pick one up from Thomann and use it into the effects loop of my Laney and see how I get on.
Oh you absolute fucking mongoloid. I NEVER SAID IT SOUNDS TERRIBLE! But it is an issue of concern, and needs investigating by some techies, which is the only reason I brought it up!

Hahaha, I know, I was exaggerating to make the point. It was just funny to me. I wasn't talking about you specifically, by the way. Also, I'm not Asian nor do I have Down's syndrome, but thanks for the insult.
I really don't give a shit if they ever fix this phantom aliasing thing. I cant hear it and I have listened to a half million Kemper clips. Alright, maybe not a half million but very close, like around 25. Soon as I get the cash I am buying one, seems the perfect solution for what I do.