I think we're on the same page, I was just confused why you'd be moving towards the cone to get rid of fizz when I find that dead-center usually has the most top end junk. I think I reached a pretty good middle-point on this one, although I have re-profiled with a different speaker in the cabinet in a similar mic position since. Going to be profiling the JVM410H today, that one is a bit more of a tricky beast, settings wise. You have one, right? Any tips you can share as far as which OD channel/color you're into?
I might go for a more tamed low-end if I was tuning lower than E standard like I was on that clip, and certainly dial it back with pickups not as tight as EMGs.
The purr thing makes sense, but I'm not sure I agree on the low end. When I do A/B clips of the reference vs KPA, it sounds ridiculously identical to me. Having the cabinet in the room is going to influence things a bit since you're not getting the same huge speaker response through the KPA but when you compare purely recorded tones I just cannot tell the difference.