Kemper Profiling Amp

I had similar results with ozone but since I normally cut around the same range recording wasn't a huge deal to me.
Or I would just up the bass a little

Yeah you could do that, but I would much prefer if this could just be fixed in some way so I wouldn't have to compromise every time I make a profile. Since I'm getting the exact same frequency discrepancy with different parameters changed in the methodology, that speaks for that it might actually be quite simple to implement.
Yeah you could do that, but I would much prefer if this could just be fixed in some way so I wouldn't have to compromise every time I make a profile. Since I'm getting the exact same frequency discrepancy with different parameters changed in the methodology, that speaks for that it might actually be quite simple to implement.

Orrrrrrrr just as easy as locking an EQ with a boost in that specific area? Why complain about something that is easily fixable and you don't even have to "figure out" how to do it? The kemper is so amazing as it is, but I gues people will always find something to complain about....
I don't think the guy was actually complaining, more just pointing something out that he had noticed and which he thought could hopefully be easily addressed.
Orrrrrrrr just as easy as locking an EQ with a boost in that specific area? Why complain about something that is easily fixable and you don't even have to "figure out" how to do it? The kemper is so amazing as it is, but I gues people will always find something to complain about....

In the studio, yes. I COULD apply that EQ curve to every single Kemper track that I record. But I can't do it ON THE KEMPER. So if I use the same profile live, I will not be able to compensate in the same way.
In the studio, yes. I COULD apply that EQ curve to every single Kemper track that I record. But I can't do it ON THE KEMPER. So if I use the same profile live, I will not be able to compensate in the same way.

Why can't you compensate with the EQ's on the Kemper? It's been well documented boosting somewhere between 100 and 125hz with the studio EQ ( or higher, around 200 if you prefer) easily fixes this problem??? I've personally never had an issue with It.... Very easy to do.
Why can't you compensate with the EQ's on the Kemper? It's been well documented boosting somewhere between 100 and 125hz with the studio EQ ( or higher, around 200 if you prefer) easily fixes this problem??? I've personally never had an issue with It.... Very easy to do.

If you fail to see the benefit of having this implemented during the profiling process then I don't have anything more to say to you.
Nice work TGS. I think anything that can get the profiling even more accurate is a good thing. I really like the Kemper unit. Only reason I don't have one is that I'm happy with my Satriani JVM for live performance, and I don't have any problems recording it at home either. If I had more of a need, I'd get one. Right now it's just a want/lust thing, haha.

But I tried one for about an hour in Japan last year and I wasn't blown away; it wasn't a "wow! This is life changing!" thing. But I was definitely impressed with how some of the stock profiles reacted to my playing, and the overall sound. This was before the latest firmware fixes too, so I imagine it is better now.
If you fail to see the benefit of having this implemented during the profiling process then I don't have anything more to say to you.

Hey... SNOTTY GUY.... CK has said MULTIPLE times they have no plans to improve the profiling/it can not be improved.... So what are you gonna do? Complain about it not being able to implemented, or solve the problem and move on with your life?..... Christ
Hey... SNOTTY GUY.... CK has said MULTIPLE times they have no plans to improve the profiling/it can not be improved.... So what are you gonna do? Complain about it not being able to implemented, or solve the problem and move on with your life?..... Christ
I'm not sure what you find so offensive about a well reasoned, tested and documented request for improvements to a product he seems to be a fan of. I thought he laid out a rational argument. You're the one who is being personal and trying to pick a fight.
Hey... SNOTTY GUY.... CK has said MULTIPLE times they have no plans to improve the profiling/it can not be improved.... So what are you gonna do? Complain about it not being able to implemented, or solve the problem and move on with your life?..... Christ

Man, chill out. It's a valid complaint and CK has definitely said in the thread TGS linked to that he's going to look into it. You're freaking out over a valid suggestion to improve the product we already love; talk about moving on with your life. :lol:
Just a heads up to tgs , not sure if you know but you can save presets of effects as well.
You could get the setting on say the studio eq that fixes the inaccuracy then store it and just leave it out of the refining process and turn it on when it is finished.

But yeah already an awesome product , if they could bring it a touch closer even more awesome.
Hey... SNOTTY GUY.... CK has said MULTIPLE times they have no plans to improve the profiling/it can not be improved.... So what are you gonna do? Complain about it not being able to implemented, or solve the problem and move on with your life?..... Christ

Fact is his well documented efforts got CK to take a look at the profiling algorithm. It might have even increased the chances of a future profiling algorithm update. I'm sure it can be improved even further, most likely even for 100% accurate frequency response.
Just a heads up to tgs , not sure if you know but you can save presets of effects as well.
You could get the setting on say the studio eq that fixes the inaccuracy then store it and just leave it out of the refining process and turn it on when it is finished.

But yeah already an awesome product , if they could bring it a touch closer even more awesome.

This is exactly what I was saying, I'm glad someone gets it. YES I understand it would be GREAT to have the low end closer on the KPA, but the fact is, CK HAS said for over a year, the profiling can NOT get any better, and they have no plans to change it... And furthermore, tgs is NOT the first person who has brought attention to this issue to all of us, or CK: far from it... Please do not be condescending towards me "if I don't understand the benefit from having it implemented"... Give me a break dude
This is exactly what I was saying, I'm glad but the fact is, CK HAS said for over a year, the profiling can NOT get any better, and they have no plans to change it...
So it's set in stone? If CK said he is going to look into it he is going to look into it no matter what you say ok?
What about fine adjusting the kemper low eq to prefered levels and then save that as a template preset and lock it so it works globally on all profiles?
I'll try and make one more helpful suggestion... The amp features (compression, power sagging etc) are not set during the profile process either, don't be afraid to play with those. The power sagging feature does wonders for the low end. Get it up around 6 or higher and you'll see what I mean. The kemper has this high mid push to everything on the attack it seems, this gives you back that oomph and may give you atleast the feel you are looking for... Crank up the powe sagging, then do your little test thingy.
Ken Susi from Unearth demonstrates his kemper profiler and how he profiles in this video.
Some quick adjustments in the bass area and A/B comparisons starting at about 5.15.

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I'll try and make one more helpful suggestion... The amp features (compression, power sagging etc) are not set during the profile process either, don't be afraid to play with those. The power sagging feature does wonders for the low end. Get it up around 6 or higher and you'll see what I mean. The kemper has this high mid push to everything on the attack it seems, this gives you back that oomph and may give you atleast the feel you are looking for... Crank up the powe sagging, then do your little test thingy.

Thanks for the tip. I've been busy so I haven't had time to try this out until now. I ran a few test rounds with various settings of the power sagging and compression;
Sagging at 0, comp at 0;
sagging at 5, comp at 0;
sagging at 5, comp at 5;
sagging at 10, comp at 0;
sagging at 10, comp at 5.

Unfortunately it didn't address the frequency discrepancy.

Here is a summary of the test. Since the lines are overlapping so much it's difficult to tell them apart, so I won't reveal which is which. The main difference between them though seems to indicate that the difference is in level across the entire frequency spectrum.


I zoomed in a bit on the x axis to make it easier to see; see scale. In hindsight including a graph for the original amp signal may have been wise, but it's still easy to see how little changing the parameters affects the frequency range.

While changing these parameters may alter the playability or feel (I haven't looked into that and it's not as easy to accurately test) it unfortunately doesn't do anything to remedy the lack of content around 100-120Hz and the increase of content below 100Hz.