Kemper Profiling Amp

Damnit GGI.... you're not making my GAS any better!! My real issue is... I want something that covers both studio use, and live performance use. I heard that bypassing the cabs on the Kemper isn't quite a 100% bypass yet. I'd still want to use a guitar cab for live performance... I'm wondering how good it would sound through a Matrix Amplification MOSFET poweramp and a 4x12 with v30's.. have you given that a go at all?

I think the Axe-FX ticks all my boxes much more than the Kemper, if I'm honest. But the price difference is pretty drastic, which makes the Kemper quite attractive just financially.
Chain is in the SC link, but it's a 5150III model from and a Blackstar model for leads. Stinnett w/passives straight into KPA.

I've been skeptical, but that sounds pretty good... I like the lead a lot. The rhythm is pretty good sounding... seems a little more amp-like in the way it handles palm muting, but does seem a little different sounding than an amp in a way that's hard to describe. Something in the mids... still, I like the sound overall.

How well does it do clean sounds??
Damnit GGI.... you're not making my GAS any better!! My real issue is... I want something that covers both studio use, and live performance use. I heard that bypassing the cabs on the Kemper isn't quite a 100% bypass yet. I'd still want to use a guitar cab for live performance... I'm wondering how good it would sound through a Matrix Amplification MOSFET poweramp and a 4x12 with v30's.. have you given that a go at all?

I think the Axe-FX ticks all my boxes much more than the Kemper, if I'm honest. But the price difference is pretty drastic, which makes the Kemper quite attractive just financially.

I've used mine through my Art SLA2 and, while it doesn't sound the same when you're bypassing the cab model and plugging it into the same cab you profiled your amp with, some minor tweaks will get it there. Sounds much more convincing than I could ever get my Axe-FX II to sound :o
I'm think they might have just added that functionality in a recent update actually? Sure I read it somewhere...

There's always the direct output on the back of the Kemper aswell,
Anyone try that Powerball Metal 4 profile? Pretty sick. I'm also digging a couple of the EVH5150III profiles.

Am I the only one spending way too much time trying out different amps? I have total ADD with this thing, can't make up my mind on anything. So many options!!
I went from the 2400 mine came pre-loaded with down to 48, still need to go through those a bit. I have some killer shit from the Amp Factory pack; Stiletto is actually quite cool, there's a modded TSL that sounds nuts with a TS in front, and there's some insane AC30/Matchless profiles.

Also found out you can use the mono loop stomp to enable a GCX-style switch setup for a tubescreamer... My OD808 sounds better than the on-board screamer model, and now the Kemper switches it on/off for me.