Kemper Profiling Amp

Are they all bought ones from the amp factory dude? or just off the rig exchange?

Rig Exchange

Also found out you can use the mono loop stomp to enable a GCX-style switch setup for a tubescreamer... My OD808 sounds better than the on-board screamer model, and now the Kemper switches it on/off for me.

^I don't understand. Can you clarify?
Couple of questions: does the Kemper have any built in FX? (delay, reverb, chorus, phaser, harmonizer/shifter/octave, etc.) And more importantly, are there any (and has anyone tried) any sweet bass rig models?
Couple of questions: does the Kemper have any built in FX? (delay, reverb, chorus, phaser, harmonizer/shifter/octave, etc.) And more importantly, are there any (and has anyone tried) any sweet bass rig models?


I want to hear how well this thing works for clean guitar tones and bass tones.
I've been shitty about actually answering questions; I'll give this thread a run through when I'm out of class in a couple hours. It has a ton of built-in FX and more get released with the updates. So far all it's missing FX-wise that I'd want are a harmonizer/shifter/octaver, but that's high on the user request list over on the Kemper forum so I'm confident it'll get put in the next one or two update cycles.

The cleans rule, it really depends on how well you model the amp, but it all responds exactly like you'd expect the amp to. Bass tones have been profiled, and I have a few SVT/8x10 patches I haven't actually tried out yet (AmpFactory, so they should be good); my bass has old ass strings on it but I'll try to post some DI/kemper SVT comparisons, unless someone wants to link me to some awesome bass DIs.
I've been shitty about actually answering questions; I'll give this thread a run through when I'm out of class in a couple hours. It has a ton of built-in FX and more get released with the updates. So far all it's missing FX-wise that I'd want are a harmonizer/shifter/octaver, but that's high on the user request list over on the Kemper forum so I'm confident it'll get put in the next one or two update cycles.

The cleans rule, it really depends on how well you model the amp, but it all responds exactly like you'd expect the amp to. Bass tones have been profiled, and I have a few SVT/8x10 patches I haven't actually tried out yet (AmpFactory, so they should be good); my bass has old ass strings on it but I'll try to post some DI/kemper SVT comparisons, unless someone wants to link me to some awesome bass DIs.

Damn, I had no idea this thing had effects at all... and I just read that it's made by the people who made the Access Virus synths... so, I'm guessing the effects are pretty nice?
Damn, I had no idea this thing had effects at all... and I just read that it's made by the people who made the Access Virus synths... so, I'm guessing the effects are pretty nice?

Yup, they're all really awesome. I'll post some clips when I do the run throughs; delays and reverbs are very lush, modulation is all excellent, distortion stomps are pretty good (treble booster in particular is awesome). The Access team really showed their experience on this one; the GUI and layout is second to none as far as modellers go IMO, and the screen is fucking sweet.

Here's some more files from this first test:

Backing track w/melody+lead gtrs:

Single rhythm gtr:

All rhythm gtrs (2 left, 2 right):
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Yup, they're all really awesome. I'll post some clips when I do the run throughs; delays and reverbs are very lush, modulation is all excellent, distortion stomps are pretty good (treble booster in particular is awesome). The Access team really showed their experience on this one; the GUI and layout is second to none as far as modellers go IMO, and the screen is fucking sweet.

Here's some more files from this first test:

Backing track w/melody+lead gtrs:

Single rhythm gtr:

All rhythm gtrs (2 left, 2 right):

guitars sound killer jeff.
have you played around with processing guitar tracks to see how well they take eq for example? I remember ermz mentioning that a couple of times in the past.
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They take EQ really well; those are eq'd slightly to fit the mix better (dip in upper midrange, boost in top end, nothing over 2db and nothing very wide. All stuff that I've since moved into the Kemper's parametric EQ, as well).

Every day I think I get a better tone out of the unit; I'll try to update soon with an even better sounding clip.
They take EQ really well; those are eq'd slightly to fit the mix better (dip in upper midrange, boost in top end, nothing over 2db and nothing very wide. All stuff that I've since moved into the Kemper's parametric EQ, as well).

Every day I think I get a better tone out of the unit; I'll try to update soon with an even better sounding clip.

Do you have some nice profiles for us here?
It won't be coming out in plugin format; didn't you suggest that in another thread? Why would they release something that would cannibalize unit sales? I fucking hate running software amps, anyways.

I've since gotten even better tones out of the unit, CJ; that first clip was made within the first 4 hours of owning the unit, and all with 3rd party profiles. When I get around to making my own shit is going to be unreal.
They take EQ really well; those are eq'd slightly to fit the mix better (dip in upper midrange, boost in top end, nothing over 2db and nothing very wide. All stuff that I've since moved into the Kemper's parametric EQ, as well).

Every day I think I get a better tone out of the unit; I'll try to update soon with an even better sounding clip.

I am glad to hear they take EQ well. That was always an issue with me using amp sims. The clips sound good and I heard some others at the Kempers site that really have me thinking about springing for one of these.
Those AmpFactory profiles really rock. I have my Kemper since January and strangely never checked these out before this thread - I am seriously blown away by them. Top Notch stuff and buying an amp for 6 Euros is really kinda cool...
Same xperioence here with how the Kemper takes EQ. It just feels "elastic" and like a real amp in the mix. None of the stiffness of a POD for example.
whatttttttt that would RULE!

Clips sound pretty good, Jeff! Still not sold on the Heavy Rhythms.. would love to get one and profile some of our OWN tones to see how realisitic it is... that's the hard part.

Mine should be here next week, I would be willing to drive down to you guys if you want to test it out?
Mine should be here next week, I would be willing to drive down to you guys if you want to test it out?

I'd like to try it out too. I've been bouncing around Tampa and Palm Harbor recently. You're pretty close over in Clearwater.

I'm with CJ on not being sold on the heavy rhythms. I haven't heard a kemper rhythm tone that really blew me away so far...