Kemper users - what's your studio routing?


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
I'm about to go into someone else's studio and I'm taking my Kemper with me. I've only really used the spdif in/out. I'm going to assume that's not going to be an option. Here's what I'm thinking will work best:

Kemper Input Settings
- "Input Source" - "Front Input"
- "Main Output - "Master Left"
- "Direct Output - "Git Analog"

Signal Flow:
- Guitar --> Kemper front input
- Kemper "Main out - Left" --> to their interface - Amped signal
- Kemper "Direct out" --> to their interface - DI signal


Kemper Settings:
- "Input Source" - "Return Input Reamp"
- "Main Output" - "Master Left"

Signal Flow"
- Guitar --> Their DI interface (whatever it may be)
- Out from their FX send --> to Kemper "Return Input"
- Out from Kemper "Main out - Left" --> to their FX return

What's your preferred routing?
It really doesn't matter since the git analog is a 1:1 clone (a thru, not processed at all) of the input signal AFAIK. To keep things in their wheelhouse option 2 could be best, but I wouldn't have a problem with either and it's so easy to switch that I wouldn't trip.
- Guitar to the front input.
- Monitor out to an EHX 44 Magnum and then to my Xitone wedge. There's a few db of EQ on the monitor to get as close to my desk monitors as possible while still sounding heavy enough for RAWKING THE FUCK OUT ZOMGLOL and whatnot.
- SPDIF In/Out to my interface (Roland Quad-Capture)

Monitor out is running either Master Mono or Master Left... I don't really give a shit. SPDIF is sending a DI and Mod, I think, so I can use a post-amp EQ if I need it but otherwise keep the signal dry.

Given this setup, if SPDIF wasn't option I'd just use one of the main outs as my send and swap cables in the front input for getting the reamp signal. I've heard that the aux input is a bit noisier for some reason, but I've never actually used it.
Thanks for the responses.

@Jeff - Yeah, your right. It's so easy to change I shouldn't worry about it. I get a bit carried away sometimes.