Kempers in the Mail! Need some advice on sick tones...

Contra Studio

Jul 13, 2011
Hell Paso
Hi guys, I don't have access to many solid amps. I was reading here on the forms that the ones that come stock are so so. Any of you guys know a place to pick some solid tones for METAL! Oh and last thing, what are you guys think about running the Kemper via XLR? I'm using my SPDiF for outs to my D-Box.
I heard some great clips and feedback from these profiles. Most are on the the rig exchange, some on the forum here and some on the kemper forum and a few on YouTube.

Beau McKee
Bjorn Gottfridsson
Dirk Gooding
Fluff Rig Pack (Kemper forum)
Jeff Dunne
Joni Lehto
Keith Merrow Rig Pack (from Kemper download section)
Lasse Lammert
Markus Stock Profiles (here on the forum)
Ola Englund
Sacha Rig Pack (here on the forum)
Sven Janssens
Tecks Music
Some of them are great, most of them are bad IMO. The best TAF amps are the 6505 package you can buy alone (avoid the metal producers pack like the plague) and the ones that are free from Kemper as a factory bundle.

Didn't you work on the metal producers pack with the guy who does The Amp Factory profiles?
Didn't you work on the metal producers pack with the guy who does The Amp Factory profiles?

Sortof. I provided feedback and gave him DI's and reference tracks to use but I'm really unhappy with how they turned out. He's not a metal guy and didn't take my suggestions into account (I wanted him to get tones while reamping with my DIs and send them back to me so I could guide him on how to tweak the amp to get a more suitable tone; he instead insisted on only using my DIs run through the Kemper to judge the final product).
Some of them are great, most of them are bad IMO. The best TAF amps are the 6505 package you can buy alone (avoid the metal producers pack like the plague) and the ones that are free from Kemper as a factory bundle.

I would add as great the Bogner Uber too and the Marshall 1987x
I really hated the Metal Pack
Sortof. I provided feedback and gave him DI's and reference tracks to use but I'm really unhappy with how they turned out. He's not a metal guy and didn't take my suggestions into account (I wanted him to get tones while reamping with my DIs and send them back to me so I could guide him on how to tweak the amp to get a more suitable tone; he instead insisted on only using my DIs run through the Kemper to judge the final product).

Hey Jeff well I would assume you might some good profiles then. Are you selling or posting them online?
I have to agree with jeffTD. At first hearing the metal pack, I thought they would be great in a mix, but after double and quad tracking with them, they are incredibly phasey, and horrible in a mix. Frequenices cancelling out others everywhere. Reading about how he miced them, I now understand why. Multiple SM57s, and a freaking 414 condenser mic? WHY!?!?!?! There is a reason no metal records sound great with mic techniques like that, especially that condenser mic. I had to have a good friend of mine, and well known engineer in the metal world listen to them and point it out to me, he thought they were absolutely horrible...I recut with one of his cabs from some profiles he did for me, and the difference was night and day. So, on that note, the metal pack can sound just fine, but with different cabinets. However, this almost negates the idea behind the metal pack and "paying for profiles" in my opinion. I personally don't think I will be buying anything from TAF for the heavy stuff again. He is not a metal guy, and that is perfectly fine, however, tips from guys on this forum such ass JeffTD should have been seriously taken into account, and were not, it is obvious. Sorry to slam TAF metal pack so hard, but it needs to be said, because when paying for a service, you expect certain things I guess. On that note, lasse lamerts pack should absolutely rule I would think when it comes out, that guy definitely knows what he is doing with the metal side of guitars.
Glad to see you on here, VES! I've expressed my concern to Andy recently (I dropped the ball on doing samples for him, copped to that on KPA forum the other day as well haha), I think he knows his metal stuff is just not up to par. I love his other packs but for metal I'm sticking to my own profiles and a few select ones my friends have made. Lasse's pack... fuck my life. Cannot wait.
Glad to see you on here, VES! I've expressed my concern to Andy recently (I dropped the ball on doing samples for him, copped to that on KPA forum the other day as well haha), I think he knows his metal stuff is just not up to par. I love his other packs but for metal I'm sticking to my own profiles and a few select ones my friends have made. Lasse's pack... fuck my life. Cannot wait.

Yep! Dude that profile clip of that recto he recently put up will probably be worth the price alone, can not wait for a guy to start doing SERIOUS metal profiles. His oldschooltampadeath profile is one of my go to's for recording at the moment, but using my diezel Herbert profile cab that was done by my buddy... Flat out kills.