Kensington Trackball 360 Session Scrolling


Sep 21, 2006
Here's what you need to toggle your trackball from mouse to 360 scroll wheel, and back again, by using a button on the trackball device!

First you need this:

The free version will work for 20 minutes when not in the foreground, and forever if in the foreground. The application only costs 15 dollars.

Next you need to walk through this:

If you just download the example, it won't work unless you have that EXACT mouse. The mouse used in the example is not a Kensington Expert Mouse, but the controller will work with any track ball. You just have to add the actual mouse into the list on the side so that when you activate scrolling it will de-activate the mouse from moving at the same time.

You also don't have to have that functionality, if you don't want to.

actually if anyone tries this out, i'd be interested to see how to disable the functionality of button 4 on the kensington expert mouse. i've got everything working, except when you click button 4 it actually does something (i think it initiates a right click or a command click), so if you're mouse is over something, its kind of annoying when it interacts with it.