We got our first Mac! (tips plz)


Feb 20, 2005
Hey dudes, my Dad's computer just had to be reformatted, and since it's 4 years old (but up for sale including an interface fo' cheep :D), he figured it was time for a new one, and decided to go for a Mac mainly because of the service options (for a dude like him who needs his computer for his work, being able to pay a one-time fee for the Apple Care plan and be able to take it to any Apple Store to get it fixed for free is pretty invaluable), as well as the undeniably far superior OS stability and security (yes of course PC's can be as stable and secure, but IMO you gotta know a lot more about them to get them to that point - personally I think the best summation of the PC vs. Mac thing can be found here). Plus, all the iApps (imovie, photo, NOT tunes, etc. :p), I've always been the first to admit Macs are really cool, and I don't think they're overpriced considering a) the quality of the hardware (stainless steel and aluminum for the fucking win, goddamn :headbang: ) and b) the service.

However, whatever the current mouse is (Magic Mouse? The entirely touch-sensitive one), I'm not a fan of it, awkward and not "tall" enough overall (made worse by that taper that comes to a point at the front), and the slick surface makes the "sliding-finger scrolling" really awkward, especially scrolling up (I often have sweaty hands, so it probably wouldn't be as bad for some people). Also, the only way to use the two-finger "swipe" functionality (for back/forward) is to continue to hold the mouse between your thumb and ring finger and/or pinky (or else your fingers will just drag the mouse along beneath them), and that position felt like an express ticket to carpal tunnel. So yeah, whenever I get a mac, that thing's going straight on ebay in lieu of a good ol' Logitech (and the almighty Mouse Gestures add-in for Firefox that has served me so well for the past couple of years)

But yeah, a Mac is definitely in my future! And by the way, lest you wonder why I'm suddenly so psyched for Macs, it's because a) I love getting new electronic gizmos (even if technically it's for my Dad's office, vicarious spending is a passion of mine :D) b) I've always had respect for them, and now that I've learned about the service options through the Apple store, even more so, and c) I had an awesome interview for a job at this particular Apple Store (in The Westchester Mall) this past Friday, so admittedly that was not entirely unrelated to my Dad's decision for a purchase :D

So Mac users, off the top of your head, any PRO TIPS? (I guess for the general OS, system tweaking, useful apps and widgets, etc.)
There's one handy backup app that i forgot the name, and i am sure someone will tell you...Also be sure to to every few days go to disk utilility and repair your permissions.

And get vmware for your windows needs :lol:
Thanks dude, he already got Parallels actually (it'll be more than adequate for anything he'll need to do on XP), so we're set in that department. Anyone else? Also, a bit of an annoyance - by default, the "documents" folder is on the dock (on the right side of the dashed line, dunno if that matters), but clicking on it just pops up the sort of balloon menu type thing; is there any way to get it to just immediately open a new "documents" window after initial click?
Just wondering, Marcus. If you ultimately get a Mac for your own recording/dabbling purposes, will you be able to run all the plug-ins you've grown accustomed to? It was my impression that most of the freeware amp sims flying around right now are PC VST only. I may be mistaken though.
Eh, honestly, I don't really hold any great loyalties to any of my plugs; I'll probably just buy Revalver for ITB tones (they're only ever for scratch tracks anyway, so I can sacrifice not having all the freeware stuff), and then maybe MCHS :D (or just supplement the AIR EQ, since I'd be running PTMP, with something like the Massey CT4 comp., never realized how cheap that was - or maybe just grab the whole CLA pack while I'm at it! ;) And I guess grab the oft-lauded Ozone for limiting)
Thanks dude, he already got Parallels actually (it'll be more than adequate for anything he'll need to do on XP), so we're set in that department. Anyone else? Also, a bit of an annoyance - by default, the "documents" folder is on the dock (on the right side of the dashed line, dunno if that matters), but clicking on it just pops up the sort of balloon menu type thing; is there any way to get it to just immediately open a new "documents" window after initial click?

You can drag the documents stack out of the dock if you do not want it there. To do what you are describing, you will have to click "Show in Finder" when the stack opens. Not sure if there is a way to set it to automatically open to the documents folder.
To do what you are describing, you will have to click "Show in Finder" when the stack opens. Not sure if there is a way to set it to automatically open to the documents folder.

Yeah, that's what I've been doing - oh well. And does it matter whether things are on the left or right side of the aforementioned dashed line? (AKA dock size adjuster thingie :loco:)
Yeah, that's what I've been doing - oh well. And does it matter whether things are on the left or right side of the aforementioned dashed line? (AKA dock size adjuster thingie :loco:)

Stacks are to the right of the dashes. Applications are on the left of the dashes. Though, I guess you could have an App stack on the right side if you wanted.
- Delete unnecessary login items
- Run 3rd party Onyx utility periodically for permissions, clear cache etc
- less than 5 icons on desktop
- Save docs in another folder and not the system drive's Documents folder
- fast system drive 7200/10000 rpm and minimum 4 gig ram
- use Appzapper to remove unwanted applications and associated preference files.
- Remove unwanted 'Other' preference panes.
- Run Erase free space of drives in Disk Utility
- master shortcut keys
- Enable Stealth Mode. Prefs-> Security ->Firewall -> Advanced.
- delete foreign languages using Monolingual freeware app.
- PRAM reset after startup. Option + Command + P + R. Hold for 4 chimes and release.
- Remove iChat agent by disabling prefs in iChat.
"Secrets" is a pretty sweet app that allows access to a lot of hidden paramaters in the System Control Panel.

specifically, i like to turn on the "show path" option in the Finder.

Appcleaner is also worth having


you can also customize the Finder by right clicking (or crtl-click) in the toolbar.

some useful shortcuts:

Cmnd+TAB (switch between open applications)
Cmnd+` (switch between windows in the current application)
Cmnd+Shift+3 (take a screenshot)
Cmnd+Shift+4 (allows you to select an area to take as a screenshot)
Ctrl+Option+Cmnd+8 (inverts the colours on screen)

some cool sites with little tips and tricks:

Congrats dude. Soon you will huge a huge boner for a Mac. These guys pretty much covered the "tips". Not that you NEED to only have less than 5 icons on the desktop. IDK what dude is talking about when he says "- Save docs in another folder and not the system drive's Documents folder" Why not?
Yeah, that's what I've been doing - oh well. And does it matter whether things are on the left or right side of the aforementioned dashed line? (AKA dock size adjuster thingie :loco:)

To open the stacks click which one you want to open and hold the click on it, a menu will pop up and the bottom option says "open"

Nit- Why only 5 icons on your desktop? shit 3 of my icons are just my HD's alone
if you plan to use pro tools on the mac, disable all short cut keys

Joey, isnt there an option somewhere do disable some shortcuts when certain apps are open? I am quite sure i saw that...somewhere in system preferences / keyboard or something.

Marcus, the backup app is super duper, btw.
While on this topic, I have a question. Is there any way to get programs to completely close when I click on the X? I'm tired of closing out a window, and then seeing it is actualy still open down in the dock. I want it Windows style, where I click the X and it's no longer running anymore.
Always look at the menus. In time you get used to the shortcut keys.

Of course, it's the same on PC's ;)

And thanks a lot guys, lots of useful stuff in here. However, one post in particular I could use some clarification on:

- Delete unnecessary login items
- Run 3rd party Onyx utility periodically for permissions, clear cache etc
- Remove unwanted 'Other' preference panes.
- PRAM reset after startup. Option + Command + P + R. Hold for 4 chimes and release.

"Why?" for the last one, "why?" and "how?" for the first 3