Keyboard solos

I like how the keys are used in, say, Lost Horizon--just for background but prominently so. Although the occasional solo is cool too.
DoktorShred said:
janne warman and jens johanson have the best patches in my opinion. Sherinian and Moore had good patches when they were in DT aswell. Rudesses are just can't even hear what hes really playing. Pinellas were awful on divine wings but apart from that have been good.

Hm...I actually find that Janne's solo patch (I really hope I'm using the right terminology...I really have no knowledge of keyboard technical stuff. ^_^6) to have a kinda thin and tinny sound, especially live...he's a keyboard god, but I don't really like the sound. The other patches he doesn't really use for solos (the harp, the bell-like effect from Downfall and Angels Don't Kill, the orchestral hit) are awesome, though.
turke said:
Actually, I want to hear more keyboards in SX. Somebody in contact with the band, wont you please deliver this message to the band ?

I don't think that would be a good idea, afterall it's the band who makes those decisions.
Progbass said:
I don't think that would be a good idea, afterall it's the band who makes those decisions.

No no, I meant in the mixin phase, not in producton. The keyboard "solo" sound in albums seems so diminished for me. May be they can boost up a little.
I've only heard some stuff off Sanctus Ignis and they sound like they're fake. I kind of cringed when I heard the opening "keyboard" solo on 'Second Sight' although the writing itself was awesome.
NoSoup4you said:
I've only heard some stuff off Sanctus Ignis and they sound like they're fake. I kind of cringed when I heard the opening "keyboard" solo on 'Second Sight' although the writing itself was awesome.

Richard Anderson is playing in "Sanctus Ignis", and he is awesome.

In "Underworld", Kevin Codfert is the keyboard player. He is one other awesome player i think.
on sanctus stefan used the midi shit for keyboard/piano parts(anderson just played the solos) by the way Kevin's work on next profundis is very nice
XR4Tim said:
I love a standard grand piano sound. Most lead keyboard sounds end up sounding cheesy.

They end up sounding either rediculously cheesy or really digital, which i feel differently, depending on the atmosphere of the song. If it's like "Church of the Machine", then its o.k, but if its supposed to be something like The Odyssey, which is before anything that could ever possibly relate to electronic sounds existed, you can't do it! its really stupid!

But the best keyboard solo patch EVER has to be either the harpsichord in "A Fool's Paradise" or the harp effect in the intro to "Bed Of Razors" (Children of Bodom, for those of you who dont listen to them.) Nothing can beat the harpsichord patch for a keyboard solo. The grand piano and harp come close, but theyre not as illtastic though..... Thats right. I said illtastic.
turke said:
No no, I meant in the mixin phase, not in producton. The keyboard "solo" sound in albums seems so diminished for me. May be they can boost up a little.

Yeah. I agree. Even if not in the solos,on the Odyssey, the songs as a whole should've sounded more like they did on V and Divine Wings. It sounds alot more full and rich like that. Alot of the stuff on the Odyssey sounded really empty, like "Inferno", "Wicked", etc.
That would be due to running up the guitar and drums to absurd levels and totally drowning out both keys and bass.

I do hope some of the new vocal-mixing techniques stay, though, because that was really good.