Keyboard solos


Jan 6, 2005
What's the deal with the sounds keyboardists use for their solos? It seems no matter how well they can play, the solos never sound as cool as guitar solos (as far as actual SOUND, not phrasing, speed, etc.) Aren't there any good patches out there?
Rick Wright of Pink Floyd does some cool solos...he's very subtle and slow in it, but it works. For similar reasons, Kevin Moore of Dream Theater did some really neat ones. Rudess is now working his way in that direction too (more fun for me! ;) ).

I also think VERY highly of Arjen Lucassen and HIS solos. He uses a lot of vintage technology, too, which I love the sound of. Very warm compared to digital stuff.
Everyone complains about Rudess's patches, and I agree that they've been quite annoying. However, they're better on Octavarium.

I prefer Pinnella's lead patches to those of Jordan Rudess or any other prog keyboardist.
janne warman and jens johanson have the best patches in my opinion. Sherinian and Moore had good patches when they were in DT aswell. Rudesses are just can't even hear what hes really playing. Pinellas were awful on divine wings but apart from that have been good.
so these are all just opinions anyway right?

although the leads are brilliant on Labrie's new album, I feel the patches are a little bright and thin...aside from that...Matt Guillory to me, plays the best solo's for a keyboard player I've ever heard. On the Dali's Dilemma album, and the Mullmuzzler 2 album and the new Labrie album, there are several solo's that are unbelievable. Nice patches too(esp DD and MM2). His solo's are always well thought out and arranged. Where a lot of guys just seem to cram a bunch of runs together(J Rudess, Richard Andersson for example) His phrasing is as close to sounding like a guitar player as I've heard any key player do. Anyway, this guy gets no credit. Check him out!

oops..kinda got off topic there as far as patches...I agree on Martin Hedin's sounds. also Kevin Moore's were great, the guy from Dreamscape has nice patches(don't know his name) I like Richard Andersson's sound too.........

discuss :p
DoktorShred said:
janne warman and jens johanson have the best patches in my opinion. Sherinian and Moore had good patches when they were in DT aswell. Rudesses are just can't even hear what hes really playing. Pinellas were awful on divine wings but apart from that have been good.

You know that Janne during the hatebreeder days got his patch from Jens Johansson?
Honestly, i think that the keyboard solo tones of Pinella's are rather disturbing. Esp. in The Divine Wings Of Tragedy. But they are great musicians, so i can say that it is only my opinion.

In V, they can be bearable, if i consider the oriental melodies.

Finally i like the ones in The Odyssey...

Personally, i dont like the keyboards which immitate lead guitar tones.
Most prog metal keyboardists use weak, flabby lead sounds for their solos. Keyboardists like Mirai and Tomas Bodin... now THOSE guys know how to program some killer sounds.

Rudess' tones are bad. Pinella's lead tones are weak weak weak. Vitalij Kuprij... ugh, fucking terrible.
Matt Guillory
Matt Guillory
Matt Guillory

and Michael Pinnella of course. But i think, his volume must be turned on in SX albums. I can hardly hear his amazing solos.

Actually, I want to hear more keyboards in SX. Somebody in contact with the band, wont you please deliver this message to the band ?