Kick & Bass glue. Help? Sample inside


Shred it
Sep 18, 2010
Salt Lake City, UT
When I get the chance to practice mixing, it's usually at night time and I live in a apartment so I have to keep my monitors at a reasonable volume. A big struggle for me has always been getting the kick and bass to glue together, and with the volume I mix at with my monitors I have NO idea if they fit well together or not. Here's an example... test.mp3

I can't really record that much as my computer likes to crash a lot (can't wait to get a Mac Pro this weekend!), so I found the stems for this song and decided to work on it. I just bounced that last night before I went to bed, and now I'm at school so I have honestly haven't heard it other than through my monitors in Pro Tools last night and a low volume. If i could get some advice on how to mix the kick/bass together better, maybe with using a frequency analyzer or something, and just any other tips on what to improve on the overall mix would be appreciated so much!

And by the way, I want to just thank everyone on this site. I'm 17 and senior in high school, and music is my life, and when I found this site it changed my life. I've been a stalker for a while, but I'm going to start contributing and chatting with everyone a lot more now that I'm really getting serious about it.


(without listening)
Bass and kick will not work together in the mix if (in order of importance) the performance isn't tight, frequency masking, aren't compressed together.

I often compress kick and bass in parallel with all highs removed.
Well since I cant hear any sub range with my monitors, I have to bounce it then listen on my computer speakers with its sub to see how my low end turned out. I split the bass into 2 tracks, and on the 2nd track I low pass everything from 200hz, then I add RBass to enhance some 60hz. Is this a good technique, or is there a better way to go about this?
it all depends man. i don't think that it's necessary to do that EVERY all really depends on the players/equipment/million other things...

from listening i really can't make out the bass at all...... it sounds super hallow and unexciting... almost sounds out of phase! try flipping the phase on one track and tell me if it sounds different/better/ or BAD... =D

we'll go from there!