- Successful ?

Jeremy Ray

Vocalist - InnerSiege
Apr 25, 2011
Peoria, IL
Hey gang !

The band and I signed up for to raise funds for recording.

We had no prior experience with KickStarter, except we have heard of some success stories and thought we would give it a try.

Does anyone here know if it's really up to the hype ?

Any success stories ?

Any tips or tricks to making a project with them successful ?

Thanks !

Jeremy - InnerSiege
Hey gang !

The band and I signed up for to raise funds for recording.

We had no prior experience with KickStarter, except we have heard of some success stories and thought we would give it a try.

Does anyone here know if it's really up to the hype ?

Any success stories ?

Any tips or tricks to making a project with them successful ?

Thanks !

Jeremy - InnerSiege

There was a great article on this site in Wired magazine. It was in one of the last 3 issues or so. Basically it said to make a video and be passionate and you'll probably make your goal.
we started basically the same thing but with Morrisound Studios as the host..... Already got $800 in donations :)
its all be via morrisounds connections and facebook for us so far....

im getting a list together about ways to promote this for us.... still working on it.
Cool nuff.

For us I have discovered something, We are basically asking the same people for money, friends and family. We gotta get out of that rut.

No one knows us and we have no fan base really. We have no past 8 albums of fans to draw from.

I too am still working out the details. We are half way through our promotion and have like 2400 to go to reach the minimum.

Hey, if you want to donate to our cause .... :grin: .... Donate to : InnerSiege - Kingdom of Shadows ... :grin: ...

Post your link too. We'll spread it around.

Maybe we need to start a KickStarter thread for the PP4um peeps to browse through. Thoughts ?


Our guitarist Mark is also in an alt-pop band (SuperSoFar) that used that website service to help put out their most recent album.

After hearing how they went about using it, and getting their fans to take part in donating to the cause, it caught my interest ,but I have mixed feelings on it. Each artist/band situation is different, and there are several different options available to those that want to use the service. They’re fan base is limited to the local scene, however does include a few stragglers outside the local scene that follow them, and discovered them on iTunes. Needless to say, they’re fan base vs. donation amount didn’t quite balance, and it was a cumbersome challenge for them to make their goal amount. ($5,000 I think it was?) On paper, for them to make the goal, each fan would have had to donate $100, Fortunately some donated more than that, and some donated nearly nothing, but they made their goal, but it wasn’t without a lot of stress, haggling and pleading for several months.

For independent artists (or even signed?) that have an established, dedicated, "marillion-style" fan base, this is a very good way to go. In fact, it would be crazy not to do it. In essence, you really have nothing to lose. The only negative thing that could go awry from this process, is not meeting your goal, and failing to meet your fans demands of the perks offered if and when you meet that goal, as well as financially meeting kickstarters minimum. In a nut shell, it could take a while to meet their/your goal depending on the amount of money you are asking for, how dedicated and large your fan base, and if your comfortable being a snake-oil salesman. If you fail, your donations get refunded and you have to start all over again.

Personally, I would be willing to give this a shot, as I am financially in the red with our latest album. I won’t go into the politics of the industry on this, or how it’s emotionally effected my personal life, as it’s a sensitive subject for me, however, I have a real issue with being a snake oil salesmen and trying to beg for money from others. Call it pride, or stubbornness, but I just can’t do it. I also personally dislike other bands/artist (especially ones I have never even heard of) emailing me on my personal email, our bands email account, Facebook, MySpace ect. acting out of desperation, spamming the hell out of me like their world will collapse if I don’t listen to them and help them out… or shooting me a message that reads like an oxy-clean commercial. I just can’t take the business seriously anymore. I dunno… I have real issues here. :bah:

To each his own though, do what works for you.
ya i think our goal is like $20,000. OBVIOUSLY the band will be paying probably the majority of that but i figure we can also donate to our OWN fund to show people that we are ALSO doing everything we can!
ya i think our goal is like $20,000. OBVIOUSLY the band will be paying probably the majority of that but i figure we can also donate to our OWN fund to show people that we are ALSO doing everything we can!

Good point, didn’t really consider that.:grin:

four years ago, I took everything over, and became the Mustaine, Schaffer or Waters of our band. Because of so many issues in the past concerning the money side of things, and certain band members crawling up my ass with a flashlight expecting to see some sort of return (HA!) on their money spent, I had to make an executive business decision and cut those strings as I brought in the new line up. It’s all out of my pocket now. Every cent. I get paid back first before anyone else sees a dime. Granted, I won’t see a dime myself! In trade, they don’t have to pay in at all (outside of travel expenses), they just have to show up, play their part and have fun. This has eliminated a lot of internal political banter, speculation and grief on where the money is going, but sadly put a heavy financial burden on myself at the same time.

I Guess if I use this service, I can hint to them that if they want this album to see the light of day, they can "anonymously donate". LOL!!!
Chiming in a bit late, but a friends' band, Bella Morte, recently used this service, offering various perks for different donation levels, etc.
Their goal was $2,500, I think; they ended up with a bit over $7,000.
Clearly this CAN work for a band with a decent following.

Maybe Glenn can start a "Get __________ To ProgPower!" funding drive? :)
I do think that KickStarter is a great tool. I am just not sure how great it will be for my band, being unknown.

Heck, there's no dispute, KickStarter works... and my band is unknown ! :-)

That combination may not be the best recipe for success.
Kevin Moore (of D-e-ram Theatre fame) has had great success on Kickstarter getting his latest album funded. If a guy of his relative obscure (outside of hardcore Prog circles that is) caliber can get something done, the sky's the limit.