KICKSTARTER for Ragnarokkr 2014


Okay, here it finally is. For all of those who want to see the fest carry on and continue to be in the city and bring the best of the best to the this link to help make it happen.

Basically there are lots of cool things for those who even put in a little. This is the best way to keep the fest going. Just read it over and look at what you are getting from it....t-shirts ( new better quality ones), vinyl posters and more. It isnt like you are just tossing money in blindly, every little bit helps.

All I can say if the goal is hit next year will have some pretty damn good bands you will not see in the US ever. Plus this will make sure the line up is the best yet.
not sure about the audio....but so far in a few hours it is up to $330.00. Your credit card isnt billed unless it reaches it's mark of 5 grand. And your card isnt charged until the last day so you can put money in now even if you dont have it for a few weeks.
Wait what?????
You have to give your CC info for this?
Do they accept PayPal?

well it goes through Amazon you are billed through them...I put money in and it takes you if you have an amazon account you are all good.
update...less that 24 hours in and it is at $1,330.00.

come on everyone....toss in even a small amount.
yeah...I really hope that people don't think everyone else will take care of it and forget to toss in some money. Every little bit helps and like I said...card wont be charged till july so you have like 2 months. If it hits the goal the fest will be set with no real issues other than getting the best bands.
not sure about the audio....but so far in a few hours it is up to $330.00. Your credit card isnt billed unless it reaches it's mark of 5 grand. And your card isnt charged until the last day so you can put money in now even if you dont have it for a few weeks.


If Odin has rights to the audio recordings I would consider doing a legit pressing of the Ashbury. I bet that would sell like hotcakes if the audio truly is as clear and good as they are saying. Ragnarokkr Records!!!