LOUD METAL Certified Retardation Aug 5, 2016 61 14 8 24 Vancouver, BC Aug 5, 2016 #41 Half the girls at my school are either punks, metalheads, emos, or some combination of the three, while literally all the guys listen to rap.
Half the girls at my school are either punks, metalheads, emos, or some combination of the three, while literally all the guys listen to rap.
L loves guitars Member May 21, 2021 112 19 18 36 Houston Texas Jun 26, 2021 #42 what!??? this girl loves her heavy metal music. I have most of my life. It's exciting to listen to and it's a blast to play..
what!??? this girl loves her heavy metal music. I have most of my life. It's exciting to listen to and it's a blast to play..
BruceAteThePancake metal up your ass Jul 3, 2021 4 0 0 43 pancake brucescoolwebsite.neocities.org Jul 3, 2021 #43 false.....so false........metal is for everyone doesn't matter who you are metal up your ass