Kids don't know what the jazz is all about


Feb 22, 2007
And I'm one of them. Recently I've been hearing some jazz that I really like, but I don't really have a lot of it. What are some good jazz musicians that have very fast, powerful, aggressive jazz? Or what are some sub-genres of jazz that are usually like this? Some examples of stuff I'm talking about are

Green Hornet and Battle without Honor or Humanity from the Killbill soundtrack.
The End Credits of Sin City (not 100% sure this is jazz)
King Crab Battle by Estradasphere

problem being most of my sources don't really do jazz on a consistent basis, and I want to find a lot more of this stuff cause I love it.
That is not true, kids do what what Jazz is about, just not all. I got into jazz when I was 11 or 12.
Jazz kicks ass, I just am not good at finding it cause I don't know enough about it to search for the stuff I like.
I like jazz quite much even though it is not my fav genre. NinjaGeek, I don't know what you mean when you say "aggressive jazz" but probably I'd suggest you to take a listen to Oscar Peterson, he has a quite "nervous" style and maybe you will like it. Try Chick Korea too (the old albums before his "electronic period").
I just meant that a lot of jazz is pretty chilled out, which is cool and all but I'm usually more hyperactive and like music that has more energy. And I know jazz can have a lot of energy behind it. Here's an example of what I mean.

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Try Ornette Coleman known as a "free" Jazzer. Some real trippy stuff. You might also dig, Chic Corea's "Return to Forever" Try the band "Weather Report" Jaco Pastorius played bass on these albums. John Coltrane is always a good listen. Thelonius Monk's keyboard work is awesome. And maybe the greatest of them all-Miles Davis. Go with "Bitches Brew" fusion-jazz. That will keep you busy for awhile.
I'm rather interested to hear some good recommendations on some really good frenetic traditional jazz myself. The clip you posted is great NinjaGeek. Most of the jazz I listen to is jazz fusion or avante guarde type stuff.
gonna post this here just cause it will blow your mind.

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Ninja: That clip was mental. :kickass:

Not totally frenetic, but very cool:
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Listen to Bloodsword's recs and the John Zorn rec. Frank Zappa is a good one too. Can't believe no-one has recommended you Mahavishnu Orchestra yet. If you want some more rock/funk type jazz, try Herbie Hancock's work with the Headhunters.

For dark jazz, try Bohren and der Club of Gore. Finally (essential) get the metal-jazz album Painter's Palette by Ephel Duath.
If you like crazy awesome jazz...check out...

Naked City (the band with John Zorn)
Marc Ribot
Shawn Lane / Jonas Helborg
Coltrane's later period like "Sun Ship"
Wayne Krantz
Here is Buddy Rich.

crazy stuff there. Billy Cobham is another jazz drummer you have to check out.

(sorry for crappy video quality, but he when he really gets moving you'll be able to tell)
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I just meant that a lot of jazz is pretty chilled out, which is cool and all but I'm usually more hyperactive and like music that has more energy. And I know jazz can have a lot of energy behind it. Here's an example of what I mean.

I'm not the biggest fan of orchestrated Jazz. But this stuff was good, the slower orchestrated Jazz (elevator music) I don't like. This is what I like.

The studio version is much better, but this was the first Jazz song I liked.
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