Killer Production Ready Metal Samples

ha ha... this thread has already played out exactly as you'd expect, after only 3 posts.... love 'em, they're ok, hate 'em. a testament to the subjectivity of sound. haven't checked these out, btw, so i can't offer my own subjective opinion.
Subjectivity, yes, but also choice. One man's cure is another man's poison, right ? Well, it is worth checking out what is out there, 'cause at the end of the day we're all just trying to make our productions sound better. Some may agree, some may not, but they are what I've been looking for and will definitely invest.

ha ha... this thread has already played out exactly as you'd expect, after only 3 posts.... love 'em, they're ok, hate 'em. a testament to the subjectivity of sound. haven't checked these out, btw, so i can't offer my own subjective opinion.

So there's no evolution in musicproduction, just opinion. :lol:
Dawn you.
Just had a G.A.S. only because of my stupid curiosity. :loco: :oops:
I was trying to save some bucks for the slate drums. I guess I have to wait a little longer now.


They are good tho.;)
Hey guys! E. here from Supersonic. Awkarawd, thanks for the post man!

First, I'd like to say thanks for considering Supersonic, there has a been a ton of hits from these forums and I appreciate it. Sorry I'm not around here more often as I am always holed-up in the studio.

So, to catch you up...if you are at all interested :) I am a long time metal head and Sneap fan and I deal with 90% metal bands in the studio- it's my forte and it's what I'm known for around these parts. I am currently working on a metal based add-on pack called the "Heavy Hitters Edition" which I think a lot of you will feel comfortable with. It will not be modified samples made to simply work in metal productions, it will be a series of samples made from drums which tend to naturally work better in thick, fast arrangements. I am currently auditioning tons of drums- snares, kicks and toms- which will eventually make it in the Heavy Hitters Edition. I feel they should be ready in the next 2 months. They will be affordable as well- it will be a smaller add-on to the original Supersonic Library which is a library which was created to cover lots of bases. Since metal is my specialty, I wanted to really focus my attention in that direction for my next release. The demos on the site are kind of based in rock, no great examples yet of metal productions on there...FWIW.

As a hello, and a thanks, here is a $30 off coupon for UM forum members:


If you get a wild hair up your a** and want to take the plunge, please simply type that code in when you purchase and you'll save $30 off the retail price. Download OR DVD.
this thread screams of bullshit :lol:
not that I really care, or am even agitated (I'm not) but this reminds me of those false reviews that Krank posted on harmony central.
It's impossible to please everyone. I wouldn't expect to ;) They may be just what your after or you may like other libraries more.. that's why there are choices :)

take care,
listened them one more time now on the monitors - they're shitty...