Metal mix with zero samples used

Nothing special with those except maybe the expander on the parallel compression tracks (kick & snare). The kick EQ was pretty extreme, because Beyerdynamic M88 is actually a vocal microphone. I know Bergstrand uses it on kick. Actually I heard that some live guys like to use it also.

I used mainly Waves RComp and REQ on drums. Parallel compression was LiquidMix "Stellar1" on "ALL4" mode with attack and release set to minimum.
I think the mix sounds great! I wouldn't change a thing on it. Fuck triggers, a real engineer doesn't need them! (I'm kidding kinda)

I am interested in how you mixed the DIY Sub mic with the BeyerM88. I am about to build one of those.

Who says that the M88 is a vocal mic? Two M88 where used on Bonhaims kick to get that legendary drum sound (as well as room mics).
hey daunt thanks so much for sharing all this stuff. the other songs on the site sound fantastic.

any chance you can post a closer/detailed pic of the mic of the guitar cab. it seems as if the 609 and 57 are equally apart from the dustcap slightly offset... i never thought of that, just wanted to double check. i usually place the 57 dead on the dustcap and the 609 a little further out to "fill out" the sound and compliment each other, your method yielded some great results.
Sorry to sound like such a clueless ass.. but when you say "parrallel compression", do you mean you routed the kick and snare to a seperate group (submix?) and compressed them against each other alongside the rest of the drum mix?
Can't wait to check out this windsor thing, i have a valveking which some days i love, but most days i want to kick it down the stairs.:erk:
Finding new stuff to listen is always a daunting task for me.
This sounds really good to my ears. I love the entire mix on all of the tunes that I heard. You did a great job with all the instruments.
I am glad that I checked this thread. Thanks for sharing with us!
that windsor is quite nice as it goes. certainly better than i was expecting
better than the valveking *spits at £300 pile of shit in corner of room*