killswitch engage - breathe life cover


Sep 21, 2006
a band im producing came to record a song, song wasnt any good, abaondoned the idea and decided to reproduce as close as possible to the original, the music to breathe life by killswitch

all in all, for just one night, i think i did pretty good. after the session i realized there's a piano in the choruses, but oh well, i can always add that in later.

its amazing all the little tiny things they hide in these songs. wasnt too hard to figure out how to reproduce them tho.

cubase sx 3

their guitar player played all the guitar parts, and i didnt really dive into checking to see if he was dead on, in fact i already know there's a few parts he jumbled up, but we just did it for fun. lemme know what you think of the production!
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OK, just listened. Sounds pretty good, really good guitar tone there, but quite a bit of string noise in there, and it really gives away that its a pod. I'm not a fan of that kick sound, its a bit flabby I think, I prefer something a little clickier for this kind of music. Also I prefer the toms to have less of that ring on them, try cutting the bass out of them, or gating them.

Otherwise good mix Joey, really like your stuff!

EDIT: just listening again, the kick sounds fine, I just prefer it more upfront.
their guitar player played all the guitar parts, and i didnt really dive into checking to see if he was dead on, in fact i already know there's a few parts he jumbled up, but we just did it for fun. lemme know what you think of the production!

I was just about to comment on that. He is close but he doesn't play the actual licks dead on accurate. Very close though. He has acurate rythem also. Just some of the notes I noticed he picks, and he should slide or hammer off etc...
It really is only small things.
thanks a lot

the kick is no where near what theirs is on the upper end of the frequency spectrum, but i think i got the thump copied fo sho

there was no way i'd get the guitar tone just like theirs as i dont have a maxon yet, and we used a shecter for tracking (with duncans). i didnt really try to hide the pod, but i could have easily.

i got the toms close minus some part of the mid range (mine even has the same pre delay on the reverb as theirs!)

i did my own thing with the snare, if you compare, my drums are louder in the mix than theirs. if you compare with a compressor in front of you, their attack on the snare is around 5 ms where mine is like 15 or so.

but yeah, other than the kick and the obvious missing low end grit on guitars and louder bass at the beginning, i think im as close as i want to be for now.

thank you for listening! i look forward to doing more :)
there's 6 guitar tracks, each with seperate eq's

even if i gave out the patches, it still takes some twerkin to get there

but i can tell you that i hardly ever use the cab sim on the pod xt unless its for a quick solo or some kinda weird effect or fly-in track.

here's how it went:

there's 6 guitar tracks total for guitars

4 of those tracks are backing tracks for mono compatibility and thickening
2 are guitar part A, the other 2 are guitar part B
those were recording using the pod xt's cab sim (4x12 treadplate with condensor mic setting), and the L6 treadplate dual amp
we used the tube screamer on every guitar track, with about 10-20% drive, 80 ish gain, and 40 - 60 tone

low mids, 3 oclock ish bass, same with treble, and presc

the 2 main guitar tracks (main guitar part a, and main guitar part b) at the forefront of the mix are soldano amp sim via pod xt with cab sim off, and cab simulation via waves gtr 2.0 (dual cab mono per track)

2 of the backing tracks are panned 75%, the other two panned 50%, and the main guitar tracks panned 100%

did a/b comparison during EQ'ing to get them as close as possible to the original sound. although their guitar mix is a little more in your face, thats what you get when you push air at a mic, instead of send digital signals through a chip.

still think it came out damn close. i can't imagine how big studios must feel sometimes, charging the outrageous prices they charge.

Um, mate, I'm Australian, and even I can't understand what the fark you said. Having said that, I speak for myself since I am shit.

Can you just post patches for those who just want to reach your awesomeness but cannot speak ze english? Achtung!*

* I think it means 'Thank you fellow Human being' in German or something.
For one night, its excellent. Let me throw some ideas at you to take the rest of the way:

The snare is getting lost in the choruses. The guitars definitely sound like they weren't mic'd up speakers in this case, Joey. You're right, its missing some grit and chunkiness. I think as a pro-producer, I should be nitpicking a little with you, so I will.

The pickscrape in the left in the ear is way loud compared to the actual guitars and cuts out real suddenly. The guitars are undergained a bit for this during the the palm mutes IMHO.

Keep it up, it will be great like everything you do.
Hello the sound you have is really good. I love especially the sound of scratching "killswitch". Really good

But as you as you have this done to her there? You took that sounds in the pod? If yes, which amps you have served and especially what impulse?
What you have used its software for drums and bass?
thank you very much.