Really looking forward to this. The last few KSE releases were a bit disappointing, and the Times of Grace album was decent, but not great. Kinda hoping they bring back the D4 samples for shits and giggles.

And lamb is fucking delicious.
+1 to this. Jesse kicks the shit out of Howard.

Listen to the Times of Grace CD and tell me he sucks at singing and growling :mad:

Only thing is, Jesse's vocals are like every other metalcore vocalist.
Atleast Howard was original and unique. Not in the sense that the way he sang was unique or what he sang about, but the style of his clean singing that he brought to the band. You didn't hear a lot of good singers like him and in bands like kse? wtf right?

Now, as far as lyrical content, I think Howard's weak. It seems like EoH, ADD, and Their '09 self titled are just an anthology of love songs. Not so to speak with every single song, but a vast majority of them. AOJB lyrically stands so much stronger, imo.

At the end of the day, there's something about those operatic cleans and those high screams Howard does that just make Howard a clear winner in my book. Not that Jesse can't sing good or scream because he's gotten tremendously better since AOJB, but ultimately they both brought different styles to the band. And out of personal preference, I love the vocal work Howard's done for their past 3 albums so this new KsE album will be pretty fresh.
Only thing is, Jesse's vocals are like every other metalcore vocalist.
Atleast Howard was original and unique. Not in the sense that the way he sang was unique or what he sang about, but the style of his clean singing that he brought to the band. You didn't hear a lot of good singers like him and in bands like kse? wtf right?

Now, as far as lyrical content, I think Howard's weak. It seems like EoH, ADD, and Their '09 self titled are just an anthology of love songs. Not so to speak with every single song, but a vast majority of them. AOJB lyrically stands so much stronger, imo.

At the end of the day, there's something about those operatic cleans and those high screams Howard does that just make Howard a clear winner in my book. Not that Jesse can't sing good or scream because he's gotten tremendously better since AOJB, but ultimately they both brought different styles to the band. And out of personal preference, I love the vocal work Howard's done for their past 3 albums so this new KsE album will be pretty fresh.

Jesse does not sound like every other metalcore vocalist. When you hear Jesse you know it is him. I like both Jesse and Howard and now I get to hear what KSE sound's like with Jesse on another record and I am so stoked.
Only thing is, Jesse's vocals are like every other metalcore vocalist.
Atleast Howard was original and unique. Not in the sense that the way he sang was unique or what he sang about, but the style of his clean singing that he brought to the band. You didn't hear a lot of good singers like him and in bands like kse? wtf right?

So many other bands sound similar in vocals, because they're all trying to sound like Jesse, it's not his fault that everyone wants to copy him :(

Though, I disagree. Other vocalists might try to sound like him, but when you hear Jesse's vocals, there's no mistaking him for anyone else.
So many other bands sound similar in vocals, because they're all trying to sound like Jesse, it's not his fault that everyone wants to copy him :(

Though, I disagree. Other vocalists might try to sound like him, but when you hear Jesse's vocals, there's no mistaking him for anyone else.

This. All of these other metalcore bands have been trying to sound like Jesse for years.

I'm stoked for this album.
I'm late to the game on this one but shit, this should be great. Since Killswitch kind of pussied out as soon as Howard joined the band, I'm hoping this will be a lot more like Alive or Just Breathing. With Sneap on board, it should also sound different from Adam D's typical production, which is excellent but hasn't evolved much since 2005-6.
Can't wait to see the new work! I admit I loved Howard's voice though. He has such a unique and powerful voice that made the band stand out from the usual metalcore stuff.
As an avid Howard fan, I watched their video of their show in Germany this year with Jesse, and I'm thoroughly impressed. Jesse has gotten significantly better as a overall musician. His screams are fuller and not as brittle to my ears, and his singing has some real balls to it now. And it's on pitch and has real power live. In the show they played a few songs of ADD and the new self titled and Jesse really did it justice. He actually sounds as good if not better than Howard I'm some of his live cleans.

I'm very pumped for this album.

That said, fixation and life to lifeless, when Howard would Do them live, are my favorite killswitch songs by a mile. To me, even though Jesse fits KSE way better and they're overall a tighter more organic sounding band with him, Howard just brought something so fresh to the table. And that put him as my winner, Although EoH was by far his best album and slowly amped up his bitchness and kinda just became a big puss on the last album :/
I just hope Adam didn't lay the autotune on as heavy as with Times of Grace. I remember reading about how he pushed Jesse pretty hard on the AOJB sessions and I don't hear any obvious tuning on that record (aside from Adam tuning his own vocals).
I just hope Adam didn't lay the autotune on as heavy as with Times of Grace. I remember reading about how he pushed Jesse pretty hard on the AOJB sessions and I don't hear any obvious tuning on that record (aside from Adam tuning his own vocals).

I can't imagine Andy mixing but letting Adam autotune the vocals with shit tons of artifacts. The last couple of KSE records were terrible in that regard.
According to a friend that works in radio/has received a press copy of the album...

"It's super energetic. Howard's influence can still be heard. Lots of blast beats to kick it off. I am chucking a huge bedroom mosh"

"Lots of short, snappy songs. Making up for how bloated the last two albums were. This rules"

Yeah, I'm keen!
According to a friend that works in radio/has received a press copy of the album...

"It's super energetic. Howard's influence can still be heard. Lots of blast beats to kick it off. I am chucking a huge bedroom mosh"

"Lots of short, snappy songs. Making up for how bloated the last two albums were. This rules"

Yeah, I'm keen!

an actual copy of the finished product? Hmm. Wonder why it hasn't leaked by now (thankful it hasn't!). The first single isn't even due for another 3 weeks and the release is still a ways away in April.

If you get a chance ask him what the scream/sing ratio is and if their are any epic choruses like 'My Last Serenade'.

Also I assume they are still playing in Drop C tuning. Times of Grace was Drop D I am pretty sure just making sure they haven't switched it.

Love to hear Andy's thoughts on the new material. The Dutkiewicz + Sneap duo should make this a chart topper for sure. Gonna be hard to outsell 'The End of Heartache' though being as that was Grammy nominated.
one of my favourite albums still to this date has to be the end of heartache. I know there's a few metalcore haters around but IMO that album was and still is the bar setter in many ways.

from that description above i'm really looking forward to the new stuff. I wasn't all to impressed with the last 2 efforts but hopefully they've nailed it this time.

lets wait and see


I'm feeling like the average little girl that learns there's a new One Direction album coming, or the average metalhead that finds out there's a new Paramore album coming.

edit:^ you beat me to it haha


I'm feeling like the average little girl that learns there's a new One Direction album coming, or the average metalhead that finds out there's a new Paramore album coming.

edit:^ you beat me to it haha

Umadbro? :D

But I'm pretty darn excited. The guitar tone sounds boss, even with the bad YouTube compression. I wonder who mastered it.