killswitch engage

The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Just like Kelly Clarkson is dead to the public eye, so too will these guys be in a year or so.

She's absolutely huge over here at the minute. Like, everybody likes her for some reason. I find her music perfectly inoffensive. Flame me all you want.

The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Why you were foolish and flamboyant enough to post a KSE discussion thread in an Opeth board is beyond me, and making a direct comparison between the two bands is lunacy, plain and simple. Please go back to slitting your wrists and crying in the mall with your friends. Thank you.

1. I would bet money that you're an absolute miserable basterd to be around :lol:
2. I find that thing about the wrist-slitting really offensive. Don't be flippant about that, man, it's real to some people. I've been close to self-harmers, and it's something that isn't funny in any way whatsoever. It tears people apart, and I'd appreciate it if you would respect the hardships of others, rather than mock them.
Thank you :)
Liquid Diamonds said:
2. I find that thing about the wrist-slitting really offensive. Don't be flippant about that, man, it's real to some people. I've been close to self-harmers, and it's something that isn't funny in any way whatsoever. It tears people apart, and I'd appreciate it if you would respect the hardships of others, rather than mock them.
Thank you

I was as well. Don't assume.

Liquid Diamonds said:
She's absolutely huge over here at the minute

Then I guess she only died in America. Did she move across the Atlantic or something?

angelofdeath#'s said:
Who cares what elitists have to say anyways, they limit themselves to only "technical" music. They also believe they are setting the standard for what music should and should not be, which is funny, so smile a little.

Again, don't assume. One of the catchiest bass lines ever? Low Rider. I love it, and a baby could nail the line.

Luz said:
If you have something recorded, I'd love to hear it.

My now drummer-less metal band will be hitting the recording studio this or next weekend with a guest drummer. Give me some way to contact you, and I'll send you something! :cool: Thanks for your interest.

Luz said:
And damn, I'm a girl too.

I have nothing against women, you guys are fun to be around (most of the time) :headbang: Rock on, lady metalheads!

ally_baby - I have no problem with you joining this forum. Just don't post about KSE or similar Nu-Metal bands in an Opeth board - they are nowhere near reminiscent of them, so what was your reasoning behind this post? It's inviting flames.

Liquid Diamond said:
1. I would bet money that you're an absolute miserable basterd to be around

So say my peers, but they tend to be obsessed about punk and rap music, gossip, and in general being utterly unintelligible. 15 year olds piss me off, with only a select few exceptions.
The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
I was as well. Don't assume.

Sorry man, I just get really worked up on that subject. It's like one of my 'issues', I feel really close to it. I'm so used to people speaking without thinking, so sorry for generalising you in the same way. But admit, your comment could unknowingly have been interperted that way.

The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
Then I guess she only died in America. Did she move across the Atlantic or something?

I don't know, but she's changed her style to make kinda... guitar (and I use that word loosely) pop. Kinda like a poppier Avril Lavigne, but somehow much more palatable. Catchy songs, seems to have really won over the public here and in Europe. I thought she was still big in the US. It's kinda funny, cuz they screened the final of the latest American Idol over here, which was so bad it made her look like the greatest thing ever :lol:

The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
My now drummer-less metal band will be hitting the recording studio this or next weekend with a guest drummer. Give me some way to contact you, and I'll send you something! :cool: Thanks for your interest.
I bet you guys are real good. I just get that feeling. What do you play? You should post the stuff on the 'post your own recordings' section when it's done :)

The Grim Progeny of the Dusk said:
So say my peers, but they tend to be obsessed about punk and rap music, gossip, and in general being utterly unintelligible. 15 year olds piss me off, with only a select few exceptions.
15 year olds aren't that bad. You just gotta be patient with most of them. I bet you're miserable, but probably not dislikable. Are you 15? You write very eloquently for a fifteen year old :)
Liquid Diamonds said:
Sorry man, I just get really worked up on that subject. It's like one of my 'issues', I feel really close to it. I'm so used to people speaking without thinking, so sorry for generalising you in the same way. But admit, your comment could unknowingly have been interperted that way.

Apology accepted :) Admittedly, it could've been taken that way. Poor choice for a sarcastic diss.

Liquid Diamonds said:
I bet you guys are real good. I just get that feeling. What do you play? You should post the stuff on the 'post your own recordings' section when it's done

We're still very, very amateur. We play mostly Folk Metal, with lots of Power, Melodic Death, and Thrash influences. We base our lyrics and the mood of our music around various Greek myths. Right now we're working on a thrashy song based around the war between Athens and Sparta. Future projects include the Illiad and Odyssey, the Minotaur, Jason and the Argonauts, The Labors of Heracles (Hercules is Roman), and Perseus.

Liquid Diamonds said:
15 year olds aren't that bad. You just gotta be patient with most of them. I bet you're miserable, but probably not dislikable. Are you 15? You write very eloquently for a fifteen year old

Yes, I'm 15. I find most of my classmates insufferable. They have no respect for silence, insist on trying to be dumb, and most think they are from the ghetto when they pay vast sums of money every year to attend boarding school. Compared to middle school, this is hell; and I flunked out of junior high. Thank you for your comment on my proficiency as a speaker. I write novels and narrative songs, so it's really a part of my life.
Actually, after listening to this band for some time now, I feel that Howard is the better vocalist. His screams just have so much more passion in them than Jessie's did. Just go listen to Set this world ablaze (end wher he screams "Let it all faaaalllllll"), or when darkness falls and you will know what I'm talking about. Jessie's vocals screams, the higher ones to me sounded like he had more trouble with them a listen to "My last serende" will prove this, he almost sounds like a retrard when screaming. So yeah , to all the Howard basheres out there, I think he did some great things for KSE. Peace.
They are immense, but ONLY with the old line up , not the crap shitter vocalist Howard Jones (the new drummer is ok tho). Alive or Just Breathing is a landmark album its incredible - really heavy - i wuda thort more opeth fans would like them :S DO NOT listen to the ENd of HEartache to assess KSE because they are soo much more limited on this album. I saw them live wib the new vocalist and he was fukin shit, cos he pussied out of half the choruses for some reason but the crowd were amazin and quality choruses to sing along to. Adam Dutkiewicz has done soo much for metal but on stage hes the biggest prat ive ever seen - he came on wiv a cowbell and writhin on the floor - it was embarasin.. well worth chekin out AOJB itself